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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264


  2. 452b264


  3. 452b264

    HR 7910/MUST WATCH

    This is the best description I have found of hr. 7910. As I read and listened to this from Gun owners of America if I am understanding it correctly we wont be able to get a new barrel put on our hunting rifles? Let me know what you guys think.
  4. 452b264


  5. 452b264


  6. 452b264


    I will take the small pistol primers if you still have them?
  7. 452b264


  8. 452b264


  9. 452b264


  10. 452b264

    Assault weapons ban? Really Joe.

    lt already passed the house. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7910/text?q={"search":["hr7910","hr7910"]}&r=1&s=1#toc-HDF2105780E3F49CABE285103D6794FE9 The details are explained in the first couple of minutes.
  11. 452b264


  12. 452b264


  13. 452b264

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Stanley I was out of state attending my daughters wedding, thats why I wasnt available. BILLS-117HRih 2022 FORWARD.pdf
  14. 452b264

    Why do they keep doing this?

    Giving up your rights wont help or work in the long run. Some say we can give up semi autos? So when the next nut case uses a shotgun loaded with buck shot your going to give up those to? Oh and he had a revolver in his waist so we are taking those to? And when the only thing thats easy to get is your deer rifle your going to give those up now?The tool isn't and shouldn't be the focus or this will repeat its self over and over again moving from tool to tool until your rights are gone. The next bill HR 117 will make you a felon if your guns are stolen and used in a crime, they want new york/chicago guns laws where you cant get a permit and you need their permission to even buy it. They dont want school security or to focus on the criminal just you. The worst school shooting in the world happened in russia sept. 1 st 2004 and they killed 330 people, in a country where the citizens dont own semi auto rifles or handguns but the terrorist obtained them. The fbi just stopped a terrorist trying to help more of them come through our excellent border security with a plot to harm mr bush. Take the time to study Israels school security they protect their kids instead of leaving them to the wolves.
  15. 452b264


  16. 452b264


  17. 452b264

    Why do they keep doing this?

    They call for gun control but we needed security at every school in the nation at least 10 years ago. The secret service has a full report on how to stop school shootings, its similar to the security Israel uses for their schools.The article I read stated the terrorist go right after their children so they have fully fenced, gated with a single entry point and a metal detector with a highly trained armed guard at the gate. They stated they dont have school shootings in a country that averages 265 bombings a year. Gun control wont work the wacko will only change their preferred tool. We must stop them from entering the school grounds.
  18. 452b264


  19. 452b264

    N565 in stock

    Brunos is sold out of N 565.
  20. How many rounds does the barrel have through it? It has a 26 inch barrel and I will guess Barnes used a 24 inch barrel. The Brux barrel has cut rifling so it will speed up after it breaks in, so you may gain 65 to 100 fps over whats in the book plus 20 to 40 fps per/inch of barrel.
  21. Would the new owner of my 280 AI please contact me I still have your Lee factory crimp die and COL. case for the 280 AI. I cant find your number or PM. Without that crimp die it will shoot 5/8 to 3/4 inch groups, with the die it cuts a 1/2 inch off the group size.
  22. 452b264

    Begara vs. Christensen

    Seekins PH 2 if you are going to spend 1800 +/-.
  23. 452b264

    Husky air compressor

    I will take it!
  24. The 6.5 CM I had would shoot a 2 inch group at 514 yards with the 143 gr. ELDX and RL 16.
  25. I like the 140/143 gr. bullets for the 6.5 CM.