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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264

    Which bullet?

    What bullet did the OP choose?
  2. 452b264

    ***SOLD*** 10x12 wall tent for sale.

    Back up for sale the buyer is a no show.
  3. 452b264

    Stone glacier sky 5900

    You need to delete your old messages from your inbox, its full.
  4. 452b264

    Hoyt Charger for sale

    What year was it made?
  5. 452b264

    Which bullet?

    Instead of looking for bullets online for weeks buy some Hammer Hunters or Absolute hunters, you will have them in 3/4 days. 178 gr. Absolute Hunter fed. 215/cci 250, H 4350 start at 70 grs. and work up to 76. You should be around 3000 to start and top out around 3290 and settle in about 74/75 grs. and 3225 https://hammerbullets.com/product/308-cal-178g-absolute-hammer/
  6. 452b264

    Berger 6.5 CAL.

    Brunos has 6.5 cal 140 gr. VLD Hunting and 140 gr. EOL there were 10 boxs of each when i left 30 minutes ago.
  7. 452b264

    Berger 6.5 CAL.

    I Didn't ask.
  8. 452b264

    Redfield Tracker 2-7X

    What retical is in it?
  9. 452b264

    143 gr eldxs at midway usa

    Midway usa has 143 gr eldxs in stock
  10. ***SOLD*** I have a CZ 452 American 22 lr for sale. Its in excellent condition, the only flaw is at the pistol grip theres a tiny nick in the bottom edge from moving stuff around in the safe. comes with J&P bases and burris z rings, 1 mag. maybe two hundred rounds fired. $500 https://www.jnpgunsprings.com/CZ-3-8-to-WEAVER-SCOPE-RAIL-ADAPTERS-p72239680 https://www.jnpgunsprings.com/CZ-RIMFIRE-ACTION-SCREW-SET-3-452-AMERICAN-MODELS-IN-22-LONG-RIFLE-AND-17-HM2-455-TRAINER-p72239761 https://www.amazon.com/Burris-Signature-Rings-Medium-Weaver/dp/B0000V2Q92?th=1&psc=1
  11. 452b264

    What binoculars to buy

    Sometimes its a good thing that an old post gets revived, this is that time of year when we sell/trade gear to fit our needs.
  12. The RL 16 is a great powder for the 6.5 cm.
  13. 452b264

    WTB Hodgdon H110

    LiL gun is an excellent powder for the 357 mag. and 22 hornet also.
  14. 452b264

    Scheels coming to Chandler!!

    So they are going to sell firearms in Chandler mall?
  15. 452b264

    ***SOLD*** 10x12 wall tent for sale.

    Its listed in the ad
  16. 452b264

    ***SOLD*** CZ 452 American 22 LR

    PM me your cell #
  17. 452b264

    ***SOLD*** 10x12 wall tent for sale.

    Below is a traditional pole set, I have a sheet with all the measurements. I dont know how old the tent is but I do know it was stored indoors its whole life the canvas is in great shape. I edited my ad since I measured the tent they have increased their prices. https://www.davistent.com/product/traditional-pole-system/
  18. 452b264

    Adg 300 prc brass

    Thats not bad when you add shipping/Hazmat fee/tax to an online order its more then that. Hazmat fees are $22 to 37.50 depending on who the shipper is. FED ex, UPS etc.
  19. 452b264

    Adg 300 prc brass

    Those notifications are not very reliable. Brunos had Lapua 6.5 PRC brass in Dec. and then a few weeks ago I will keep an eye out for you.
  20. 452b264

    Adg 300 prc brass

    Yes I was in there today and the shelves are fairly full right now. They have a 8 pounder of H 4350, all the H 1000 and retumbo are 1 lb containers.
  21. 452b264

    Adg 300 prc brass

    Just a few weeks ago Brunos had 3000 Lapua cases for the 6.5 PRC, but they never went on the web and sold in 2.5 days Next time they get some in I will let you know.
  22. 452b264

    Feral Horses Black River

    I found this page while reading about the proposed project. https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=18916
  23. 452b264

    Anyone know what this is

    It was the color of the pin that designates the number of bobcats in this case that had been called in. For a bobcat if I remember it was 1, 5 25 and 50 and coyote it was 5, 25, 50, 100