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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264

    Thief on Mt Ord

    I have some friends in Idaho, they packed in their camp 13 miles and set up the wall tent, cut wood and were ready for the season as they take a full month off to hunt and stay at camp the entire time, when they arrived two days before the opener the only thing left was the fire wood.
  2. FS Stainless Steel Ruger security Six, 357 Mag. 6in. Barrel, new rubber grips, the action is very tight, with a good bore, its been carried a lot more than its been shot. $400.00 Send a PM and I will send you a photo (texted photo)
  3. 452b264

    Vanguard 2 300 WBY.

    If you send a PM I will get a photo to you.
  4. 452b264

    Vanguard 2 300 WBY.

    F.S, Vanguard 2/ MOA, 300 WBY, Blued 24in. barrel, SYN. Stock gray, Excellent Cond. 42 rounds fired with a proper barrel break-in, factory 165 gr. TSX. shoots 1/2 to 3/4 in. $425.00 This is the New model, with the improved trigger.
  5. 452b264

    Vanguard 2 300 WBY.

    I don't have a digital camera, a cell phone photo I have.