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Everything posted by 452b264

  1. 452b264

    FS Berger 30 cal. 185 gr. VLD

    Does anyone shoot this bullet?
  2. 452b264


    High pitched rabbit,rodent distress and the bird in distress at a constant lower volume than you would use for coyote. Cats can and will get bored and leave if you take very long pauses in between your series. Something to attract the cat such as a feather, a piece of fur tied to a stick so as to blow freely in the wind etc. cats are very visual. Also stay on your stand for 20 to 30 min.at a minimum. Good hunting
  3. Someone needs a good Savage barrel?
  4. 452b264

    Remington 78 25-06

    Did you have the action trued/blue printed?
  5. 452b264

    hunter safety course

    Arizona Game and Fish hunter ED. http://www.azgfd.gov/i_e/edits/hunter_education.shtml
  6. Dont over call your stand. Ever hear how elk hunters over use of the cow call? A good example is this past weekend my son and I were out rabbit hunting, and a coyote hunter let out a challenge call and was answered right away. He proceeded with about 20 more challenge calls. He should have only used one or two and sit quietly waiting for up to 20 min.He was unsuccessful the entire day. My son was stalking a rabbit and walked up on two coyotes bedded under a mesquite tree, he was within 45 yards of them before the pair noticed him, and there is coyote sign every where I walk in this area. I also found a bobcats toilet. When using rabbit sounds try to call softer with more time between each series. Howling also works well later in the season when used properly.
  7. RE-22- MIN. 61.0 GR.= 3103; MAX. 64.5=3273
  8. 452b264

    300 weatherby mag

    Yep! Send a PM, I have 2 boxs of Weatherby brass once fired $32 dollars. I have 25 fully prepped and primed (fed. 215) rem. cases $25. plus 15 once fired cases included.
  9. 452b264

    Barrel breakin

    Napa auto parts, has small tubes with enough in them to properly break-in your barrel. I only shoot 9 rounds cleaning after each shot for break-in.
  10. 452b264

    FS Bench Mark Barrel SS 264 win

    Someone must be in need of a good Savage barrel?
  11. FS Bench Mark Barrel Savage small shank #4 contour, SS 264 win. 26 in. 1/8 twist throat ed for 140 VLDs, only 19 rds. fired with a proper barrel break in. $425.00 shipped. 375.00 FTF 3 new 50 rd. box's of Nosler brass 264 win. $60.00 each + shipping ***SPF*** RCBS DIES 264 WIN. $30.00 NEW ***SPF*** I sold the action and stock this is still for sale.
  12. 452b264

    Value of rifle needed

    Timney makes a trigger with a safety, but needs to installed buy a gunsmith. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/580807/timney-featherweight-deluxe-rifle-trigger-springfield-1903-1903a3-with-safety-1-1-2-to-4-lb-blue
  13. 452b264

    12 x 12 Cabelas Alaknak tent FS

    I have this tent, and its been very solid through several harsh storms with out any leaks. I put a good spark arrester on and never burned a single hole tent and we have used it a lot. We dont use or see any need for the roof protector.
  14. 452b264

    FS Bench Mark Barrel SS 264 win

    Never was able to hunt with it or shoot it enough to compare the two.
  15. 452b264

    Ready for the late hunt.

    Very nice!
  16. 452b264

    Ready for the late hunt.

    A friend got it done on his third day. He couldn't be happier.
  17. 452b264

    Wade Armstrong's Hunt Of A Lifetime!

    Go to game and fish web site. http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting.shtml
  18. 452b264

    Best starter kit

    This is the press I use, if you have more than one caliber to load for this is an excellent choice. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Shooting/Reloading/Reloading-Presses-Press-Kits%7C/pc/104792580/c/104761080/sc/104516280/Hornadyreg-Lock-n-Load174-Classic8482-Reloading-Press/739969.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Freloading-presses-press-kits%2F_%2FN-1100195%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104516280%3FWTz_l%3DUnknown%253Bcat104761080&WTz_l=Unknown%3Bcat104761080%3Bcat104516280
  19. 452b264


    Well done, enjoy your time outdoors.