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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Picacho Reservoir?

    It has been closed to all access.
  2. Big Browns

    Swarovski ATS 80 HD Spotting Scope

    A lot of people say that about this seller. Zzziinnnggggg! I hate to say this, but that was good Casey:)
  3. Big Browns

    What to do ?????

    I would get the 12's and buy a really good spotter!
  4. I've personally shot two different ruger predator's in 6.5 cm. They both shot 1/2 moa with factory ammo. They both had timney triggers. If your looking for a great shooting gun that can be used as a beater I highly recommend this gun!
  5. Big Browns

    Found destroyed camp

    You the man TJ!!!!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Long Range Get Together

    I would have been there for sure with my 6.5, 338 and 7mm, but since it's during the same time as the HAM hunt I can't make it:(
  7. I had a few people tell me it had changed and gotten better so I was hopefull. Apparently it's still just as bad now as it was in 2002!
  8. This is one time I was very thankful someone else got this before I did:) I was trying to figure out how to convice my wife I needed this gun:)
  9. Big Browns

    License before 10 years old

    I used to buy my son the adult hunting license so he could shoot a full limit of Dove. Never had a problem!
  10. I have the same gun in 12 gauge. It's Amazing!!!! If I had some extra money I would buy this. TTT
  11. Huge congrats buddy!!!!!!
  12. OMG, I re as lly want this!!!!! Wish I had the money!!!!!
  13. I could make a short range shot, but would never try a long range shot without my BR2!
  14. Big Browns

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    That is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. That is freaking Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job getting this done buddy!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Anyone driving to Phoenix from Sierra Vista soon

    I think we're just going to ship it overnight. Thanks for the help everyone!
  17. I have a range finer that I need picked up in Sierra Vista and brought to Queen Creek. I am planning on having it shipped tomorrow, but if a cw member is coming my way I would really appreciate the help.
  18. Big Browns

    Mossberg predator MVP 308 in mdt aluminum chassis- sold

    Great price! I don't know much about the gun, but the MDT chassis systems are fantastic!!!! How well does the gun shoot? Any target pics of group sizes?
  19. Big Browns

    Trophy and Meat Care? Gutless?

    I usually have some wet wipes at the truck. An extra water bottle usually does the trick for me. I think your probably over thinking this. As long as you keep the meat as clean as possible you will be fine. If you want to get the tendorloins you can cut them out after getting the back straps. Just be carfull not to cut the gut sack. There are a bunch of great video's on youtube that explain the gutless method. It's very simple!
  20. Big Browns

    Trophy and Meat Care? Gutless?

    Gutless method will work just fine.
  21. I got very lucky today and located a pure whitell Eurasion dove in a cut corn field. After playing cat and mouse for about 30 minutes I finally got close enough for a shot. I think it's either a Piebald or African Eurasion dove. What do you guys think it is?
  22. Big Browns

    Unit 22 OTC Deer Advice

    ^^^^^What he said!!!!
  23. Big Browns

    Looking for old smart phone

    FYI, the legal working age in Az is 14. It sounds like it's time to put her to work. I still can't believe a 14 year old will be making $10 an hour:(