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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. When I placed my son's online application I was not able to purchase point guard. G&F said you would be able to purchase it until mid March and not to worry. Has anyone tried to purchase it after having issues during the draw?
  2. Big Browns

    Tortilla Pigs

    Great job buddy! You definitely made it look really easy:) Now I know who to call to pack my pig out:)
  3. Big Browns

    Anyone try buing Point Guard lately

    Whatever!!!!!!! I'm taking all your tags Sean and my son is taking your son's tags...... We both know your son has killed enough already:)
  4. Big Browns

    Anyone try buing Point Guard lately

    I got it figured out. You log into your portal and go to "Hung/Draw Info". It will give you the option to buy the point guard if you have not already purchased it.
  5. Big Browns

    Grilled Quail

    That looks fantastic! Thanks for making me hungry!!!!
  6. Big Browns


    Great rangefinder and great seller!
  7. Big Browns

    Another super Hunts 4 Heroes

    Great job guys!!!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Aoudad Sheep Video

    Awesome video
  9. I was told the factory test loads are shot from 50 yds. If so that's very misleading to the accuracy of the gun!
  10. Big Browns

    G7 BR2 Rangefinder ?

    I love my G7. It appears the 2400 might be easier to load rifle info, but is overall more complicated. I can see advantages for both. If your a super tech guy I would recommend buying the 2400, if not buy the G7.
  11. Come on Lance, stop teasing us!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    G7 BR2 Rangefinder ?

    Well said Becker!
  13. Big Browns

    AES Hunt for Heros

    Great job guys!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    My wife rocks!

    Freaking awesome buddy!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Girl Power- Javelina Style

    That's Awesome!!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    OTC Spring Bear

    Go shed hunting in a unit with otc bear. Maybe you will get lucky.
  17. Big Browns

    Mulepackhunter is having a bday

    Happy birth day buddy! Obviously great people are born on the 22nd. :D :D
  18. Big Browns

    Big Browns

    Thanks buddy!!!!
  19. WOW Lance, you are definitely a wealth of information! I can't wait to see how it shoots!
  20. Big Browns

    Lake Pleasant Stiper Fishing - What to expect

    It depends on who the outfitter is. Do you know what company she bought the trip with?
  21. Big Browns


    A member of CW (speedygoss)Eric Goss has a fantastic gunsmith shop. He builds Amazing guns. Text me and I will get you his number. Adam 928 595 1554
  22. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! Your are so lucky!!!! Congratulations on getting an amazing bird, especially for Az.
  23. Big Browns

    Personal preference?

    I love the wide Mule Deer
  24. Big Browns

    37B H.A.M. success

    Great job!!!!
  25. Big Browns

    SLC hunt expo
