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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    Trust me, I'm anything but cool and calm!!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    My son is still saying he doesn't want to go! He has always been very difficult to deal with, but since he's become a teenager he has become a LOT more difficult! I do my best not to say much to him, because any little thing will set him off. Very sad! On the bright side, I asked my younger son if he was interested in going Turkey hunting. I was fully expecting him to say no, but I always ask my kids in case they change their minds. I never expected him to say yes. To my surprise he said "ya, I'll go." I almost passed out from excitement! Since then I've taken him shooting several times and bought him some new camo clothes. We've been watching turkey hunting video's every night. he seems very excited to go. My wife and I are also very excited to take him. Several night's ago when he and I were watching Turkey hunting video's my older son asked why I didn't ask him to go Turkey hunting. I informed him that I did ask him and he said it was too far to drive. Of course he immediately said "you didn't ask me!" This is a typical response from him lately. He LOVES to say he doesn't remember or we never asked him so he can play the victim. Thankfully my wife was there when I asked him and she immediately came to my rescue and said "you don't remember anything we tell you." I again asked him if he would like to go turkey hunting? His first words out of his mouth were "How far away is it?" I was already thinking he would say that. I said 4 hours away. He laughed and said " no way, that's too far." I had to go for a run after that conversation too calm down.....
  3. I'm planning a hunt this fall for Southern Mule Deer in southern California. I'm trying to find information on the subspecies. Does anyone know if any of the record books keep records for the Southern Mule Deer? Everyone I know says there antlers are a lot smaller than the Desert Mule Deer. I would like to know if that is because of hunting pressure or if that's the norm for the area. Anyone hunt deer in southern California(San Diego County)?
  4. Big Browns

    California Southern Mule Deer

    Interesting info!
  5. Big Browns

    Elk leftover list?

    Anyone know when the list will come out and when is the application deadline?
  6. Big Browns

    Elk leftover list?

  7. Big Browns

    Hornady/Vortex Bullet Cam???

    The video is super cheesy! Sean I told you to take my number down from your Wife's bathroom. My schedule/box is too full to fit anyone else in:)
  8. Big Browns

    2A antelope tag,again.

    Show off! Congrats and I hope you kill another monster! Let's see some pics of your 84.5 goat.
  9. Big Browns

    WTB 15 inch AR10 Handguard

    If anyone has one for sale please let me know. Thanks, Adam
  10. Big Browns

    WTB 15 inch AR10 Handguard

    Thanks, but I already have a 12". I'm looking for a 15", 16" or 20".
  11. Big Browns

    Silver Pigeon Beretta 20 ga / Ruger Red Label 28 ga

    I love my Silver Pigeon! Good price!
  12. Big Browns

    kowa highlanders

  13. Big Browns

    WTB Ruger American Predator 6.5 creedmoor

    It's a GREAT gun for the money and very accurate! Every one I've seen shoots 1/2 moa with 143 eldx Hornady Precision ammo.
  14. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    Target pics or it didn't happen....
  15. Big Browns

    Container gardening for a total begginer

    Nice garden Brian. You have the same layout as my garden.
  16. Big Browns

    19A muzzleloader goat tag

    TJ, I sent you some GPS coordinates. They should give you a good head start.
  17. Big Browns

    Big Browns - your in box is full

    Funny guys:)
  18. Big Browns

    Wyoming Antelope/ Deer Winter Death rate

    The Deer in the western half of the state are in rough shape! The Antelope in most areas are ok. I was going to wait another year to burn my antelope points, but after talking to the game and fish I decided it wasn't going to be that bad.
  19. Big Browns

    Point Guard

    I decided to buy a point after hunting in a Hurricane last year! I figured I would return my tag if the weather report showed 50mph winds again. I didn't expect I would have to turn my tag in due to work.
  20. Big Browns

    Big Browns - your in box is full

    Chris, I tried to send you a message, but your box must be full too. Send me a PM or give me a call. Adam
  21. Big Browns

    Point Guard

    I didnt realize I could donate and retain my bonus points. I will definitely be donating my tag to hunts for heroes.
  22. Big Browns

    Results are Posted on AZGF

    Lance, Make sure you pay your daughter to give you some shooting lessons:)
  23. Big Browns

    Point Guard

    I'm using the point guard this year for Turkey. I can't go on my turkey hunt so I'm turning my tag back in. Hopefully a CW member will get my unit 1 early hunt tag.
  24. Big Browns

    Literally Shed Hunting

    Crazy shot!