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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Big AZ Trout on the Fly

    Call me!
  2. Big Browns

    Road to Big Lake?

    You are 100% correct!
  3. Big Browns

    Road to Big Lake?

    Many, Many times!!!!!
  4. Big Browns


    WOW, crazy good!!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Colorado Deer Hunt

    I'm considering burning my 7 Deer points in Colorado. I'm currently looking at Unit 80/81. Does anyone have any experience with this unit they would be willing to share? If you would recommend a different unit, please let me know. Thx, Adam
  6. Big Browns

    Colorado Deer Hunt

  7. Big Browns

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

  8. Big Browns

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    I have no idea if the info is true or false, but I've always known Rossislider to be a stand up great guy!!!! If it was a mistake, that's unfortunate. If not, then I'm good with the public announcement.
  9. Big Browns

    No More Guides, No More Finder’s Fees in Utah

    Yes, I think most are jealous. I personally feel this is a terrible decision and a gross overreach of power. If this rule is inacted, I fear it will effect family and friends helping each other. Typical big government getting involved in things they shouldn't be!
  10. Big Browns

    Celebration of Life Service

    WOW, sounds like an incredible and interesting man. I would have loved to hear some of his aviation stories. God bless!!!
  11. Big Browns

    No More Guides, No More Finder’s Fees in Utah

    I personally hate more regulations!!!! It wasn't perfect before, but neither will this be. Horrible idea! This is another poor example of jealous people trying to stop those who are more successful!
  12. Just wondering if anyone has had any luck hunting Chucker in Az? I would love to give it a try, but I have no idea how or where to hunt them. Is there any guides for Az Chucker? Adam
  13. Big Browns

    Lee's Ferry

    Congrats buddy!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Selling some more shiz

    Where are you located?
  15. Big Browns

    WTB tanned mule deer hide

    I have some pieces of Bear hide he can have.
  16. Big Browns

    Artifical Velvet OTC Bull

    I've been learning Taxidermy for a few years now. The past 6 months I've been doing Artifical velvet. In August I took in this AZ OTC Bull. Unfortunately the original velvet was destroyed. When I accepted the job, I had no idea how difficult it was really going to be. Unfortunately the Bull had been left outside and the velvet had dried. I initially didn't think that was going to be a problem. WOW, I was Wrong!!! When I tried to get it off with my 3000 PSI pressure washer, the velvet didn't move. The pressure washer, literally had zero effect. I was shocked!!! On to plan B. I had to soak the antlers in a kiddie pool for weeks. As you can imagine, the smell was HORRIBLE. After 3 weeks, I was finally able to remove the velvet with the power washer. Unfortunately, the antler tips were in terrible condition. They nearly fell apart in my hands. Ultimately, I had to rebuild 5 tips. Once the velvet was off, the rack had to sit outside until the smell disappeared. This again, took a lot longer then expected. It took 5 months before it didn't stink. Once the smell was gone, the rest was easy. I think it came out really nice!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Needing a place to live

    I thought Casey preferred non binary people!
  18. Big Browns

    2022 HAM Hunt

    Closed mouth Javelina mounts are a lot cheaper than open mouth. Unfortunately the open mouth forms cost 3-4 times more than a regular closed mouth. I used to hate open mouth, but have learned to really like them. Here's a few that I've mounted.
  19. Big Browns

    Let's see ALL the cool stuff you've done with Javelina...

    Here's a few mounts I've done for customers.
  20. Big Browns

    Rogan kills Triceratops

  21. Big Browns

    Elk antler repair

    I HIGHLY recommend Steve!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Any Door dashers here? Or other delivery service?

    My son does it and makes REALLY good money. Definitely need a good gas mileage car to make it worth it.
  23. Big Browns

    ISO Coues Deer Cape

    I have several capes for sale. Call me for details 480-243-4138
  24. Big Browns

    Javelina hunt times

    8-12 would be my choice. The colder the better!!!