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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Mature Coues Cape for sale...

    I will take it if it's still available.
  2. Big Browns

    Optic set ups!?

    I always carry a pair of 10's, 15's and a spotter! I've been on too many hunts where I wish I had something. My pack is heavier, but I always have enough glass for the task.
  3. Big Browns

    Nice Brown

    Nice find. How much does it weigh?
  4. Big Browns

    San Carlos Lake

    If anyone is headed to San Carlos and has room on their boat please let me know. I would LOVE to get in on the Crappie action!!!!!!! Adam
  5. Big Browns

    135" + coues deadhead

  6. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    I forgot to day a huge thank you to Lance for starting and organizing this contest!!!! This was a lot of fun! I can't wait to do it again next month....
  7. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    Thanks for reminding me about my windage, jerk:)
  8. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    I was able to finish my shoot this morning. I've definitely shot a lot better in the past. I'm not real happy about how I shot today, not horrible but not great!
  9. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    My dad and I are headed to Phoenix Rod & Gun at 7am to shoot this months 200 yard target.
  10. Big Browns

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    If anyone wants to come to my house in the evening to look through the scope your more than welcome.
  11. Big Browns

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I got a great deal at SportOptics.com
  12. Big Browns

    2nd Official CWT 200 Yard Fun Shoot

    I'm planning on going out of Saturday morning. Anyone interested in shooting with me feel free to give me a call. I'll be shooting near Florence.
  13. Big Browns

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I HIGHLY recommend the meopta S2. I feel it's the best bang for your buck!
  14. Big Browns

    any 2017 success yet?

    ^^^^^ story please!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Please welcome AxisWorks LLC as our newest sponsor!

    Eric is my go to gunsmith as well! Great guy and Great service!!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I took this through my S2 tonight.
  17. Big Browns

    Meopta vs. Swarovski

    I have the angled eye piece.
  18. Prior to putting my son in for Elk I asked if he wanted to go Elk Hunting this year. He said "yes". I was VERY excited to see he had a pending cc hit for a junior cow hunt. Tonight he informed me he doesn't want to go Elk Hunting. The only reason he gave me was "it's too far". The hunt is only 1 1/2 hours away! I didn't expect him to be super excited, but I didn't expect him to not want to go. I love my son, but he is very spoiled and has no idea how good he has it. I'm officially devistated!!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    FS 300 Rim Road

    Does anyone know if the road is open on the West end along HWY 87? My wife and I were planning on going camping in that area, but if the road is close we will have to make other plans.
  20. Big Browns

    Youth turkey

    The first hunt is usually much better. I've killed Turkey's on the first and last day of the hunt, but the first half has always been more productive for me. I HIGHLY recommend giving the kids 4 days to hunt. Getting a Turkey is not usually that hard once you find them, but it can take a few days to find them. Sometimes getting it done in 2 days can be hard. The more days the better! I also recommend getting a turkey calling CD and listen to it on the drive up. It will give you a few pointers on calling and give the kids a good idea of what to listen for. Good Luck!
  21. Big Browns

    Funny Shed Cartoon

  22. Big Browns

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    What I haven't said in my previous post is my kids are actually my step kids. I don't ever call them my step kids, but in this case it seems to add value to the story. I've been involved in their lives since they were 2 and 6 months old. My youngest and I have the best bond. He is super easy going and we have fun doing anything together. He’s gone on a few dove hunts, but has never really shown any interest in hunting. I always ask him if he wants to come along, but he politely says not thanks. He has started going to the range with me and my dad. He really seems to enjoy shooting my AR. The only problem with taking him to the range is he likes to shoot a LOT of ammo. The last range trip he shot over 700 rounds of .223. Thankfully I reload! He has also agreed to go Turkey hunting with my wife and I in a few weeks. I’m hopefully optimistic he is starting to bond more with me and will eventually want to hunt and fish more with me. My oldest has always gone dove, duck, coyote, rabbit and quail hunting with me since he was 5 years old. Unfortunately my oldest has always been the most difficult to deal with. I have tried for the past 10 years to develop a good bond with him, but it just hasn't happened. I've taken him on lots of successful small game hunts! Even with all the success he has a horrible attitude towards me and does anything he can to make my life difficult and to make me look like I’m an idiot! I was honestly hoping taking him big game hunting would improve his attitude, but I think I was wrong. last night my son asked me to take him to the golf course we live on so he could hit some balls. I reluctantly agreed, because I know anything we do together usually leads to a fight. I went anyway hoping for the best, like I always do. We walk about 60 yards from the green and he pulls out a few balls and is getting ready to hit. I look at the club he is holding and something doesn’t seem right. I stop him before he swings and ask him what club he is trying to use. As usual anytime I ask him ANYTHING, he says “why!” I ask again what the club is and he reluctantly tells me it’s a 2 iron. Since we are only 60 yards from the green and about 100 yards from the houses behind the green I stop him and tell him he shouldn’t use the 2 iron and to try a pitching wedge. He immediately says “why would I do that, you don’t know anything!” Typical response from my son! I tell him about how each club is designated for a specific function and distance. Then he proceeded to argue with me more and tell me he should be allowed to use any club he wanted. After arguing with him more he finally used the correct club. As you can imagine the next 30 minutes was more of the same! After we got home he proceeded to tell my wife a completely different story. Thankfully my youngest was there and was able to collaborate my story. After seeing his attitude I sat him and my wife down so we could talk. I told my son I would no longer do anything with him alone. I told him I no longer trust him and refuse to spend time with him without another adult present. I told him how impossible it is to speak to him, because of his immature attitude and responses. Thankfully my wife stood by me and supported me 100 percent! I highly doubt this will change anything, but maybe it will make a positive difference in the future!
  23. I thought I was the only one who said WTFFF while at a range:)
  24. Big Browns

    G7 Range Finder

    Great price! I Love these rangefinders!
  25. Big Browns

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    I wish that was true. He's too interested in shoes and clothes! He is obviously very confused!!!!