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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Remington Model 700 Long Range

    How much was the 264 Sendero?
  2. Big Browns

    2017 AZ Bear

    WOW, that's a great Bear! Awesome job and huge congratulations!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    First time AZ mule Deer hunting

    ^^^^^^^ What he said
  4. Big Browns

    17 year wait = tag of a lifetime

    He has his mom's Floride eyes? Congrats again!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    17 year wait = tag of a lifetime

    That's awesome news, congratulations! Did you buy point guard?
  6. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    I'm considering replacing my truck. If anyone has one for sale please let me know.
  7. Big Browns

    Holding your rifle for consistency revised

    Personally if I can't shoot prone or very close to prone I'm not taking the shot! I learned my lessons in Canada last year and will never make those mistakes again. I will never take shots from positions I'm not 100% confident in agsin!
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    I was thinking about a newer version, because I was told they got the paint issue fixed.
  9. Big Browns

    Good Deal on a 1911

    Great deal!
  10. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    I've been looking at the Nissan Titan 4x4 trucks. Anyone have one they care to comment on? Good or bad truck?
  11. Big Browns

    Cabo San Lucas 5/13-17

    Very cool!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    12 Year Old's Skull Cleaning Business *New Pics 6/19/17*

    Maybe AMANDA will be nice and gift him a site sponsorship for 1 year until he can make enough to pay for it! It would be really cool to have a 12 year old with his own business as a site sponsor!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    Unfortunately I'm still looking. The process of buying a vehicle really SUCKS!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    12 Year Old's Skull Cleaning Business *New Pics 6/19/17*

    Absolutely Amazing!!!!! You should be very proud of your son....
  15. My dad and I are in with a scoped Anschutz.
  16. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    It only smelled bad when you were near it!
  17. Big Browns

    South Africa 2016

  18. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    Still looking
  19. I'm looking at buying a new dodge, but would like to deal with a cw member. Please contact me if you want the business. Adam
  20. Big Browns

    Big Brown TRUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!

    Nice scope!
  21. Big Browns

    WTB Reliable used 4x4 truck

    Full size 4 door Dodge, Chevy or Ford. $5000-$20000
  22. Big Browns

    Long Tom Tank

    They only stock it once maybe twice a year. Don't waste your time!
  23. Big Browns

    Vortex razors 12x50 HD

    PM sent
  24. Big Browns

    Old Man Got His Goulds

    Very cool story. Looks like a great bird. Congrats!!!!