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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Help Me Find It

    I don't remember which member posted this, but I saved the picture so I could do something similar.
  2. Big Browns

    7W Archery Bull

  3. Big Browns

    Casa Grande Range

    How far can you shoot at the Casa Grande range? I was told they have some steel past 500. Can anyone confirm that???
  4. Big Browns

    7E Bull

    I think that's a picture of Kevin's ex!
  5. Big Browns

    7E Bull

    I got pics and it's a GREAT Bull!!!!!!! Congrats buddy!!!!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Worth the Wait . . .

    Great story buddy! Congrats on a great Bull!
  7. Big Browns

    Wyo goat

    That looks like a great goat! Congrats! I can't wait to get back to Wyoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Used Camaro

    I'm considering buying my wife a used Camaro. I thought I would see if any CW members have one for sale. I'm not looking for anything too new due to price. I'm hoping to find something 5-10 years old that runs good and still looks nice. Let me know.
  9. Big Browns

    Opinions/help with my stepson

    Welcome to my world......
  10. Big Browns

    Mount Hanging Tips?

    It looks great on the wall.
  11. Big Browns

    Taking a Knee...

    Taking a knee during the national anthem is one of the most disrespectful things anyone could ever do. It's only a matter of time before kids start taking a knee at peewee games to emulate their NFL hero's. I will be talking with my kids tonight about this situation and explaining why we have the national anthem and why it's so important. I pray my kids will not take a knee, but If they do I will walk out on the field and remove them from the game! I really hope this doesn't have to happen, but if it does everyone in the stands and on the field will know my kids will not disrespect the men and women who died for our freedoms!
  12. Big Browns

    Mount Hanging Tips?

    WOW! That is an Awesome mount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns


    WOW, that really sucks! God bless the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns


    If duxngeez doesn't take it I would love to have it. Adam
  15. Big Browns


    If your in the east valley I will take them
  16. Big Browns

    Heat's 7W Archery Bull Elk Hunt

    Great story and Congrats buddy! It was very nice of Wicked Horn Outfitters to help you out! It's always nice to hear those types of stories.
  17. Big Browns

    Unit 27 bull(tagged out today!)

    WOW, congratulations!!!
  18. Big Browns

    My brother in-law got it done.

    WOW, very cool. Congratulations!!
  19. Big Browns

    Nephew's Bull

  20. Big Browns

    Another AXISWORKS piece of art

    Looks Awesome buddy! Why you gotta call me stupid? Eric is definitely one of the best builders in the country! Now go get a monster Elk with it!!!!!
  21. Almost new 7mm Redding competition seating die. Located in Queen Creek $75.00.
  22. Big Browns

    7mm Redding Competition seating die

    Sold to buddydog pending funds
  23. Big Browns

    Good Luck Tomorrow

    Good luck to all you lucky jerks who have a tag tomorrow!!!!! I hope you all get the bull of your dreams!!!
  24. Big Browns

    Game processors near Payson?

    Agreed, the guy by the airport is a total piece of crap! Really rude and disrespectful!
  25. Big Browns

    2017 DOVE!!!

    With a 5 gallon bucket of 28 gauge loaded and ready I think I'm ready to beat my record:)