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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Draw results on Portal

    Unit 1 Early Turkey. Yepeeee!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    WTB Rangefinder

    I have a friend who is looking to buy a rangefinder. He doesn't have a lot of money so I'm hoping to find him something for less than $150. I would like to find him something that can easily range past 500 yards. If you have one your looking to sell please let me know. Thanks, Adam
  3. Eric builds the best rifles!!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns


    Copy, thanks.
  5. Big Browns


    I'm interested in the shotgun re-loader, but would like to know what model it is?
  6. Big Browns

    Draysen's Mule Deer Hunt

    That's freaking Awesome!!!! That kid has turned out to become one heck of a hunter!!!! Congrats.........
  7. That's surprising, because the ruffed Grouse I got in Canada tasted Amazing!!!!
  8. WOW, you da man! Huge congratulations!!!!
  9. Big Browns

    Pro Shop recommendations in Mesa, AZ

    The Timber Mesa in QC has the best customer service I've ever experienced at any bow shop I've been to!!!!
  10. Big Browns


    Try Taxidermy.net
  11. Mike, if I had one I would definately let you use it, but unfortunately I don't. I'm sure someone will step up and let you use their gun. Congrats on the tag.
  12. Big Browns

    Kaibab engagement Buck

  13. Big Browns

    Hitting cards already

    1 Turkey and 2 Javelin tags in my house. Can't wait!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Lady's First

    He'll ya, that's Awesome!!!!!!!
  15. There are a lot of great YouTube videos on how to operate the 550.
  16. Multiple companies sell good barrels. Lance made the same recommendations as I would. I HIGHLY recommend you call Eric Goss(Axisworks) 574-248-0929 for any gun work. If he is to busy I would definitely call Todd (Southern Xpress).
  17. Big Browns

    WTB Polaris Ranger Crew

    I'm looking to buy a used Ranger Crew. If you have one for sale please let me know. I'm wanting to find something with low hours and mileage, hard top, windshield and a lift. I would prefer to buy from a CW member over craigslist! I would also consider a Can-am Defender or a Polaris General. Thanks, Adam
  18. Big Browns

    Got a drop tine deer

    WOW, that's a really cool looking Buck! Congrats!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Swarovski SLC Bino Adapter

    I'll take it.
  20. Big Browns

    WTB Polaris Ranger Crew

    Yes, I'm still looking. PM sent.
  21. Big Browns

    Rifle Bipods

    I highly recommend the Atlas and the Extreme pod by extreme outer limits (Bob Beck)..... I also bought a couple Chinese nock off versions of the Atlas for my AR.
  22. Big Browns

    Old Warrior Bull

    Cool bull! Congrats!