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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Hornady 6.5 PRC

    This will be a great round for the precision rifle guys, but I doubt it will be a huge hit with hunters like the creedmoor was.
  2. Big Browns

    What binos?

    ^^^^ What they said.....
  3. Big Browns

    Thanks Paul Goldschmidt

    He seems like a very normal guy who actually cares for his community! I wish we had more people like him in this world.
  4. Big Browns


    2nd in line
  5. Big Browns

    Specific Spotting Scope Advice

    PM sent
  6. Big Browns

    ***SOLD***Savage 11 LRH .260 Rem rifle (Price Drop)

    Looks like a tack driver!
  7. Big Browns

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    What power is the scope on there? 4x12 power scope
  8. Big Browns

    6.5 Creedmoor

    Southern Express builds nice guns!
  9. Big Browns

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    My wife will be hunting in 37B this weekend with a Savage Striker 6.5 Creedmoor.
  10. Big Browns

    Canyoneering with my Mini-me

    That's awesome! That kid definitely has no fear of heights.
  11. Big Browns

    Bear hunt success

    I'm not sure how I missed this back in October. Great job and huge congrats for calling in your first bear!
  12. Big Browns

    Savage 17HMR Sold

    Interested, pm sent
  13. Big Browns

    Elk transplant to west virginia

    A lot more than 60 elk a year are lost due to poor shot placement during all the different hunts. Stop sweating the small stuff and start caring about things that actually matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    SPF SIG KILO 2000

    Great rangefinder!
  15. Big Browns


    I'll take it.
  16. Big Browns

    I hate to ask for help, but...

    Unfortunately I don't know those area's either. I can tell you that a majority of people have been saying the pigs are acting very different this year due to the warmer temperatures. It seems the pigs are not moving up on the hill in the early mornings like they typically do. My recommendation would be to spend more time in the washes and lower hills. I've also been told my a lot of people that they are seeing more pigs in the afternoon this year than any other year.
  17. Big Browns

    Archery Rollercoaster

    Great story! Congrats to both you and your dad!
  18. Big Browns

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    Very cool story! Congrats on raising your son correctly!
  19. Big Browns

    Youth Javelina Double

    Great job guys!!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Happy Birthday Justin aka "gotcoues"

    Happy birthday
  21. Big Browns

    CW concrete contractor needed

    I'm looking at extending my driveway and adding a sidewalk on our side yard. I would prefer to give my money to a cw member. Please call me. Adam 928 595 1554
  22. Big Browns

    Axis Works LLC

    Eric builds amazing guns!!!!!
  23. Big Browns

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    I definitely would not say he was a poacher! The only reason they were able to convict him was because of the wording in the regulations "Special or Temporary" purpose. If he would have stayed in the state longer he probably wouldn't have had any issues. He used a loophole to get the tag, but in the end a loophole is what got him convicted. I feel the penalty was way to much as well......
  24. Big Browns

    Elk Options

    As you already know getting an Elk tag is hard. I recommend you look into taking the young man to Wyoming and hunt Antelope. He will see thousands of Antelope and have lots and lots of shooting opportunities. In most units you can have a buck and several doe permits. It may not be a Elk tag, but I guarantee he will have tons of fun for a very low price! If you have any questions on where to put in shoot me a pm.