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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTS: 06 Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI

    Good deal!
  2. I personally don't have an issue with the trail camera rule, but the satellite rule is insane!
  3. Big Browns

    Sons First Big Game hunt

    Great job Gavin!!!! Congrats on your first Javelina!
  4. Big Browns

    Short Fake Hunt

    Great job Keith!!!!! You defiantly deserve it! Get any sexy pig pics:)
  5. Big Browns

    Nightforce G7 5.5-22x50 Illuminated

    I'm suprised this hasn't sold yet. This is an Awesome scope!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Hunter mistaken for a coyote

    I hope the shooter gets charged!
  7. Big Browns

    Please school me on Wyoming

    PM sent
  8. Big Browns

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    My wife got her first pig today. My buddy was able to shoot his after my wife shot. They both used the new 6.5 pistol. Wife's pig was 90 yards and the other was 130. Both pigs dropped instantly!
  9. Big Browns

    Second trip to 37B

    Hunted from sun up until 2. We glassed up some deer and big horn sheep, but NO pigs. I'm so freaking tired of not sing pigs in this unit!!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    Shed spot around Pine March 10 too early?

    March 10 is early for the main drop, but their will definitely be browns on the ground. Plus you can always find older sheds from previous years.
  11. Big Browns

    Unit mix up

    Call me
  12. Big Browns

    Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter

    I can't believe you still have this. Great gun!
  13. Big Browns

    Wyoming draw odds

    The preference points only went up a few dollars. I think they are $35 now. They were talking about raising all the preference points to $100 each, but that didn't pass.
  14. Big Browns

    Barrels for AR10

    I think you are correct. You can find AR10 barrels for under $200.
  15. WOW, that's an Awesome birthday present! I hope he appreciates it. I hope you get more than just a card for fathers day!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Want to learn more about fishing

    If you want to know about Trout fishing give me a call.
  17. Big Browns

    This guy is killin it with this yote! Looks tasty

    My brother in law cooked up a Coyote backstrap. He said it tasted good.
  18. Big Browns

    Coues hunter or Coues Sniper?

    I guess I will start this potentially long thread. Just because my guns are more than 10 pounds, have 30 mm objective and have exposed turrets does NOT mean I am "sniping" or whatever that is supposed to be! We all enjoy hunting many different ways and methods. These types of threads usually do more harm than good! I don't see why we continue to separate ourselves into multiple different teams when we should all be supporting the same team, Hunting and Conservation....
  19. Big Browns

    Benro carbon tripod?

    I wish it had better max length.
  20. Big Browns

    Kuiu, Kings Camo, Eberlestock, Bull-Pac

    Great deals!!!!!
  21. The Bull looks Awesome!! I'm so happy you posted an update, because I've been wondering if your dad ever got the Bull mounted. Very cool!!!!! Congrats again on harvesting a great animal!!!!