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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Attempting to help a new young hunter

    Take him quail and rabbit hunting between now and February. That will really help get him used to walking around in the woods and knowing what to look for.
  2. Big Browns

    19A questions, help

    If corner crossing is legal, why can't we access the state trust land in unit 10 on the ranch without buying a permit?
  3. Big Browns

    Quick Limit

    Congrats and I'm very jealous!!
  4. Big Browns

    19A questions, help

    Sorry to hear that!
  5. Big Browns

    PCR Built 7RM

    The gun has been sold, but the scope is still available.
  6. Big Browns

    First antelope on opening day

    Great job!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Spot & Stalk Archery Antelope 2018

    Great job, congratulations!
  8. WOW!!! Eric definitely builds Amazing guns!!!
  9. Big Browns

    Dove Tacos

    I tried something new with some Dove last night. I marinated the Dove in Italian dressing for about a week. I cut the Dove into small pieces. I added some mild jalapeños and bell peppers from the garden. I cooked them for about a minute and they were done. They tasted Amazing!
  10. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PM me for more info.
  11. Big Browns

    Franchi 48L 28 Gauge for sale

    I have a Franchi 48L 28 gauge for sale. I thought I would use this more, but usually shoot my O/U more. The gun has a few safe marks, but overall it's in 95% condition. $500. The pictures I took of my gun suck so this is a picture I got from the net. Thanks, Adam
  12. Big Browns

    Franchi 48L 28 Gauge for sale

    Ya, I know. Such a great gun for a great price!
  13. A large group of friends are planning on hunting Sept 1-3 at a ranch in the west valley. I would like to find a kid or boy scout group that would be willing to come out for a few hours in the morning to clean birds for anyone willing to pay. Please give me a call if you or someone you know is interested. Thx, Adam 928 595 1554
  14. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Heck Yea 2018 *New Huntress Update*

    Congrats buudy!
  16. Big Browns

    Franchi 48L 28 Gauge for sale

  17. Big Browns

    people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts

    How is Amanda being manipulative? I've personally never seen her or any of the other administrators being manipulative.
  18. Big Browns

    MVUM rant again... Still...

    Honestly without proper signs or road blocks it's almost impossible to stop people from driving them. To be honest, it I drove into 7 East to hunt I would have no idea any roads would be closed. I would never think to look up the areas road closures, because that's not a normal thing to do. Plus in most areas if a road is closed to vehicles it's marked, therefore I wouldn't think to look. I know it sucks, but I feel the blame is on the Forest Service and not the hunters. That is of course if they truly didn't know.
  19. Big Browns

    6.5 Creedmoor or 7mm mag

    Whatever gun you have the most confidence in and shoot the best!
  20. Big Browns

    Filled tag

    Congrats! Crazy looking buck!
  21. Definitely a little cooler today. I've always thought the storms played a larger roll in forcing the birds south. Thankfully I don't think any more storms are going to hit the valley between now and Saturday.
  22. Only 4 more days until the best day of the year! I have a feeling this is going to be another epic opening day! 101 here I come:)
  23. I 100% agree with Lance! All shooters should do their best to get the best accuracy out of their weapon of choice. Once the accuracy has been determined the max effective range must be determined. Without superb accuracy long shots should NOT be taken. 400 yards may no longer be considered long, but I assure you a lot can go wrong at 400 yards.