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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    ENCO Benchtop Lathe

    Drooool.... That would be awesome to have. Just to bad I have absolutely no idea how to use or make anything with it:(
  2. That was a REALLY fun day! Your son did a great job! The best part of the day was driving home knowing I didn't have to clean any birds:) Never could trust a Hilton:)
  3. Big Browns

    My 1st Goat

    Congrats Mike!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Western Holster for sale

    I have a beautiful old holster, belt buckle and magazine pouch. I'm unsure of the year of manufacture or who made it. It' was definitely not mass manufactured. It's very detailed. The belt is only 36 inches long. I'm open to reasonable offers or trades.
  5. Big Browns

    Swaro 10x42 el’s

    These are the same El's that I have. They are Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Great price!
  6. Big Browns

    Shipping Taxi when Travelling to hunt.

    Just pack it in your luggage.
  7. Big Browns

    Shipping Taxi when Travelling to hunt.

    When I hunted Canada last year I froze my Bear hide and packed it in my carry on bag. The meat was frozen and stored in my normal luggage. The meat was still frozen when I arrived home. The most important part will be to ensure your meat and hide is frozen before traveling on a plane or shipping it. You may need to find someone willing to store it in a freezer and ship it for you if you can't get it frozen during your hunt.
  8. Big Browns

    Dove for dinner

    We had some more dove bites and a new taco recipe. They were both Amazing!
  9. Big Browns

    Cost to paint a house (Exterior)??

    Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We recently had our house painted. The painters did a fantastic job. The only MAJOR problem is the paint color we picked looks NOTHING like the samples. Therefore we now have a house with a color we absolutely HATE! I'm attempting to work with the paint manufacture to get free paint, but we will still have to pay full price to have it re-painted. This is a huge cost that we did not expect! Yes, we could leave it, but over time I feel this will become an issue so we decided to just pay the extra price. We picked colors from a book and had the colors computer generated onto a picture of our house. If I had to do it all over again I would have found a house in our neighborhood we liked and picked the same colors. That way we would have known exactly what we were getting! Solution: Ensure you paint a small section of your house before you paint the entire house to ensure you like the color. I highly recommend you paint a section in the shade and a section that get's full sun. My house currently looks totally different in the sun compared to how it looks in the shade.
  10. Big Browns

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    My dad is helping a friend sell these. We have no idea what their value is. Anybody know? The Colt is a 25 auto. I'm interested in selling the Lugar. I would like to get $800 obo COLT is Sold
  11. Big Browns

    Swaro 10x42 el’s

    Smoking deal!
  12. Big Browns

    Mountain Goat!!!

    WOW! This looks like an Amazing hunt! Huge Congrats!!!!!!!! That is the hunt of my dreams...
  13. Big Browns

    Elk Taxi recommendations

    I highly recommend Will at TwoWindy Taxidermy in Showlow! Great guy, great prices and great work!
  14. Big Browns

    Where to get euro mount

    Contact Draysen
  15. Big Browns

    Colt & Lugar for sale

    Still for sale
  16. Big Browns

    Cost to paint a house (Exterior)??

    We are having our house painted today. Ours is single story 2400 square feet. We are going with 3 different colors. It's costing us $2400 going with medium quality paint.
  17. Big Browns

    Like New BR2 for sale

    Smoking deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Point guard vs tag donation.

    Andrew is spot on. You can only keep your points if you purchased point guard!
  19. Big Browns

    First ever pronghorn!

  20. Big Browns

    Montana Flathead River

    Very nice!
  21. Big Browns

    Cabelas instinct Euro hd 12 x 50

    Great guy to business with! Buy with confidence!
  22. Big Browns

    Another first Antelope

    Great story! Congrats!!!!
  23. Why are you considering those models? I'm sure they are all great guns, but if you are only concerned with accuracy I would highly recommend a Savage model 10/12 or the Ruger Predator. These guns are a lot cheaper and have proven to consistently shoot sub 1/2 moa. They may not be as nice looking, but you can't argue with how accurate they are!
  24. Big Browns

    Wyoming 40-1 elk

    You might find a CW member who has been to that unit, but you would be more likely to post this on a Wyoming hunting site. Most Az people don't hunt Wyoming.