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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTB Binoculars

    The Razor 12x50's are nice!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    Sages First Elk

    Great job and congrats!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Chases first Elk

    I love seeing these kids get their first animal! Freaking Awesome!
  4. Big Browns

    Nitto Terra Grappler G2'S brand new

    WOW, great deal!
  5. Big Browns

    Happy Birthday Amanda.

    Happy Birthday Amanda! Thank you again for creating an amazing site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    San Juan With My Son

    That is Awesome!!!! I've always dreamed of teaching my kids to fly fish and go on a cool trip like this together. Unfortunately my kids don't like the outdoors. Your doing a great job creating memories that will last forever! Congrats!
  7. Big Browns


    I highly recommend the Raven!
  8. Big Browns

    Hunter's First

    WOW, very cool! Great job buddy!!!!!
  9. Big Browns

    23 youth success

    Very nice! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    We did OK

    That was definitely one of the most fun hunts I have ever been on. The kids did great and were a blast to watch! Plus it's always fun to help Democrat California hunters:)
  11. Big Browns

    Daughter's First Elk

    That's Awesome! Great job dad!
  12. Big Browns

    Daughters first deer

    That is Awesome!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Wife's First Elk Hunt

    WOW, very cool! Congrats to your wife!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    My Little Princess's First Kill

    Very cool! Congrats on getting your daughter into the woods and learning about life! Now, want a euro squirrel skull:)
  15. Big Browns

    Sig kilo 2400ABS

    Great deal! I love mine!
  16. Mike, congrats on the tag! I'm definitely not trying to offend anyone by my next comment so please be understanding. Over the past few months I've met several vets who have received tags from various different groups. These vets claimed they have received numerous tags over the last few years. At the same time I met vets who claim they have never gone on any hunts or just 1 hunt. I have no idea if they are lying, but I usually tend to believe vets. I personally don't like or agree with a system that gives multiple tags to the same individuals when others have not received any tags. Again, not trying to offend just state my opinion. Personally I will not be donating any more tags to any organization until I see a more systematic/fair tag delegation system implemented! Adam
  17. Great job and congratulations on introducing your kids to the outdoors!
  18. I booked a hunt with these guys. Josh is the primary guide. He is Awesome! https://www.themtnproject.com/hunts/sandhill-crane/ Josh 520 275 9246
  19. Big Browns


    That is Awesome!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Polaris Ranger Windshields

    If either will fit a 900 I will take both.
  21. Big Browns

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    No. I have it on my creedmoor. I have the "Fat Bastard" break on my Lapua. It made a HUGE difference!
  22. I would love to get a band tailed pigeon. If anyone knows a spot that has a good chance at getting one please let me know. I know they are hard to find, but hoping someone has seen some recently. I scouted a spot a friend had seen some in yesterday, but no luck.
  23. Big Browns

    WY and MT hunts

    Freaking Awesome!!
  24. Big Browns

    new draw format sucks

    It's better and worse in many ways.
  25. Big Browns

    Where to go for long range shooting

    Go to the Casa Grande range.