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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Fall on the Peaks

    Very nice! I really liked the "White Jungle" and "Harts on fire" pics!
  2. Big Browns

    If you had the points....

    They are both Awesome units! If you are physically fit, I would recommend 27. You can get away from the crowds a little easier in 27. Either unit will be an Awesome hunt! You really can't go wrong with either!
  3. Big Browns

    Finally got a good one...

    Those are some really nice Bucks! You are very blessed to have a chance at those on opening morning. Great job and Congrats!!!!
  4. The Hornady match will work just fine! I've killed a bunch of animals using match bullets!
  5. Big Browns

    Pointer 28 gauge o/u

    Great deal!
  6. Big Browns

    Good Lord....What Is Wrong With ME???

    WOW! It's to bad it has a crappy scope on top;)
  7. Big Browns

    Kuiu giveaway

    Just signed up. Thx!
  8. Big Browns

    Kembria's First Buck

    WOW, freaking Awesome buddy!!!! Congrats Kembria.!
  9. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    I 100% agree!
  10. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    I definitely do not want to see any additional or subtracted tags being used to raise money. We have enough raffle tags already!
  11. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    I just completed the survey.
  12. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    Point creep is happening every year anyway! This will definitely accelerate it, but when you consider what is at stake if we do nothing it is the smartest of all possible considerations! I strongly support HUNTING, this will be another way we can ensure AZGFD has the funds to fight for wildlife!
  13. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    I applaud the AZGFD in finally looking into other ideas. I personally love both ideas and would participate in both!
  14. Big Browns

    Hush gear giveaway

  15. Big Browns

    Fun time in Wyoming- Deer and Goats

    Great story! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Congrats!
  16. Gotta love dove bites for dinner! Delicious!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Dove for dinner

    I've never noticed any difference.
  18. Big Browns


    That's a dream/lifetime buck you got! Congrats!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Caliche and Auroras 2018 youth hunt

    Congrats on getting your kids out in the woods and teaching them valuable life lessons!
  20. Big Browns

    Kids 2018 Youth Hunt

    Those are great Bucks! Great job dad and congrats to the kids!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Ocotillo as cover?

    I've seen a lot of deer bedded in Ocotillo over the years! Probably a good spot, especially if there is water near by.
  22. Big Browns

    Wyo is cool!!

    Great info, thanks!
  23. Big Browns

    Wyo is cool!!

    Absolutely Awesome! I love Wyoming and can't wait to return. Great job! How much did it cost you to ship your meat back home?
  24. Big Browns

    Kiddos getting it done

    Very cool, congrats!