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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    G7 BR2 Rangfinder $800

    Great deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    My 2018 October Coues

    Great job, congrats!
  3. Big Browns

    Boots -- Need Recommendation

    I also highly recommend buying used boots. I started doing this a few years ago and have had great results. You save a lot of money and you get a boot that is already broken in. As long as I can find boots in my size I will probably never buy new boots again.
  4. Big Browns

    Tucson knife sharpening

    You might want to call your local Ace Hardware before you go, because I just called several by my house and none of them offer the service:(
  5. Big Browns


    I really wish I had the extra cash. I've been wanting to buy a pair, because I've herd they are fantastic boots!
  6. Big Browns

    WTS 2014 Polaris Ranger Crew 900

    I've done a lot of research and have looked at a lot of Rangers for sale. This is a great deal!
  7. Big Browns

    *SOLD* Remington Sendero 264WM TACK DRIVER!

    I want this sooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Boots -- Need Recommendation

    I HIGHLY recommend Lowa Boots. They are the best book I've ever worn!
  9. Big Browns

    Thomas' First Buck!!!

    Great job Thomas!!!!!!! Next time bring your light saber to protect yourself against the new Game Troopers!
  10. Big Browns

    Super Bonus Point

    Well said Umpqua!
  11. Big Browns

    BTX, what power?

    I'm considering buying a BTX soon and can't decide either. I'm leaning towards the 95, but I would bet the 85 is probably fine for everything I do. If all else fails buy both:)
  12. Big Browns

    Ballistics Calculations???

    In order to get the best info you ALWAYS have to adjust your velocity to match the real world range validation. The velocity on the box and the initial range inputs on ballistic apps are almost always wrong. That's why it imperative you validate your real world data and adjust your program to match!
  13. Great job,congratulations!
  14. Big Browns

    Son's Black Belt Journey: Request

    I recommend he also try tying Semi Seal Leaches. They are REALLY good Az flies and really easy to tie. Great job getting him on a solid road to life success!
  15. Big Browns

    Little Boat, Big Lake

    As long as you are careful and aware of other boats you shouldn't have any problems! I've seen a lot of smaller boats doing exactly what you are talking about doing.
  16. Big Browns

    6.5cm Kimber Hunter

    Great deal for a nice shooting gun!
  17. Big Browns

    Persistency pays off

    Great job. That's a really nice looking buck!
  18. Big Browns

    My 2018 deer

    Very cool, congrats!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Another bear ..

    Looks Awesome!
  20. Big Browns

    Elton Bingham's Rifle

    Great story, I really enjoyed reading it! Thank you for posting it! Awesome gun and even better gun history.
  21. Big Browns

    Spring draw is on the portal

    Wife and I got Unit 1 Turkey and 2 Javi tags. Can't wait!
  22. Big Browns

    Antelope cape

    WOW, that's Awesome!!!!!!
  23. Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. Congrats!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    Kat's first game is a coues.

    Great job, Congrats!!!!