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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    2018 trip to Europe, photo heavy

    Very cool, thx!
  2. Big Browns


    Personally, I don't care how much you guys make on the raffle. All the money goes to charity so the more the better!!!!
  3. Big Browns


    Just bought a ticket. Thanks for the info.
  4. Big Browns

    MY First Bull

    Great story Chris! You have come a long way since your first year of hunting. You have definitely grown to become a great hunter! This was a really fun, but challenging hunt! You made 3 great shot! Congrats!!!! Adam
  5. Big Browns

    Texas whitetail meat hunts

    What is the average cost of a hunt like this?
  6. Big Browns

    First Elk!

  7. Big Browns

    Arizona has it's Second NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    That is Amazing! Your son is very respectful and very deserving of that prize. You and your wife have done a great job raising him. Congrats!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Sinclair F-class Bipod

    I have one of these. It's great for load development!!!
  9. Big Browns

    SOLD 7mm rem mag custom

    That's a great deal!!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    My first turquoise attempt!

    Very cool
  11. Big Browns

    Good Luck Late Rifle Hunters

    I'm headed out tonight to help some friends on the late rifle hunt. I'm looking forward to Elk hunting, but not looking forward to being VERY cold and wet. It will be fun regardless! Good Luck to everyone!!!! Please be safe, with the storm coming please ensure you have proper survival gear in your packs. About 8 years ago numerous hunters died during this late hunt after getting caught in a storm overnight.
  12. Big Browns

    Dove help needed

    Call me
  13. Big Browns

    Weatherby 6.5 Creedmoor for sale

    Great deal!
  14. Big Browns

    Gender reveal party?

    WOW! He has to pay some huge fines for the next 20 years! Seems like a lot to have to pay for an obvious mistake!
  15. Big Browns

    Elk and Antelope Hunt Recommendations

    Elk and Antelope hunts have been canceled for 2019. No need looking or applying! I hear NM will have great draw odds this year. I highly recommend everyone hunt NM instead of Az:)
  16. Big Browns

    Late Season Unit 1

    The deeper and nastier the country the better for large Bulls! You will find Bulls all over the unit, but if you want a big mature bull you want to find deep nasty north facing hills!
  17. Big Browns

    Desert Buck

    WOW, that is Awesome!!! Did you take that pic or is it from a trail camera? Very cool!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Glassing question

  19. Big Browns

    Youth Camp in 36A, 36B and 36C-AZSCI

    Someone always has to ruin positive posts! I don't know you Bob, but seriously what's your problem? Maybe your initial post was not meant to be disrespectful and maybe it was. Either way you don't need to act like that, especially when the subject involves kids. I'm personally sick of all the negative comments on this site!!!! If you can't say something nice just don't say it!
  20. Big Browns

    My wife just got a surrender 13B tag!

    WOW, great Buck! Congrats!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    2018 wyoming elk hunt

    Cool video on what looks like an Amazing adventure!
  22. Big Browns

    3 shots, 3 Trophies

    Great job Lance! You have some great little helpers!
  23. Big Browns

    2018 youth deer success

    Very cool! Congrats on getting your kids outdoors!!!
  24. Very interesting read Lance! Thanks for the info. Please keep us updated!!!! FYI, You really need a YouTube reloading channel... I would love watching and learning!!!!