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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTB Heated socks

    Much better:)
  2. Big Browns

    Love hunting in the snow...

    WOW, great job buddy!!!!!! With all the hard work you have put in you definitely deserve it!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    WTB Heated socks

    WOW, those are UGLY boots!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    WTB Heated socks

    I have good insulated boots and good socks. I was just looking for additional options.
  5. Big Browns

    My lifetime tag

    Congrats!!!! Let's see more pics!!!
  6. Big Browns


    Really wish I had the extra cash. These are Awesome boots!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Sig 2400ABS vs G7 BR2?

    I had the G7 and now use the kilo 2400. I 100% recommend the Sig. Feel free to call me with any questions. Adam
  8. I have the same pack. It's Awesome! You can fit a rifle with bipod attached with no problem. Great price!
  9. Big Browns

    I want to hunt feral piggies, New Mexico?

  10. Those are some great bucks! That's a lot of time in the woods!!!!
  11. Big Browns

    December Archery 4X4

    Very cool! The best part is you getting it done while your son was watching!
  12. Big Browns

    Todd Rice and Sonoran Outfitters

    I find it VERY hard to believe that someone would send a check for $35.000 without doing a little research. With only 1 post and not returning since I feel this person is just trying to spread the word about a bad outfitter. It's a weird way of doing it, but some people are just plain weird!
  13. Big Browns

    Merry Christmas

    WOW, great picture! Merry Christmas!!!
  14. Big Browns


    WOW! Great price!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Florence eating place?

    A & M is probably the best, but there is also a small Cafe next to the Sonic. They also have good food for reasonable prices. It's not in Florence, but Casa Palomino in Coolidge has great mexican food. Worth the extra 10 minute drive.
  16. Big Browns


    Great deal!!!!!
  17. Amazing offer!!!!! I can't think of anyone, but if I do I will let you know. If you can't find anyone you could also donate the boots to the local Elk or Deer society. They can always use auction items!
  18. Big Browns

    Tagged my first coues

    Great job! Cool pics!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Bump stock banned

    I herd people are going to be required to turn them in. I didn't believe it until I read it on the AFT site. CRAZY!!!! What To Do Current possessors of bump-stock-type devices must divest themselves of possession as of the effective date of the final rule. One option is to destroy the device, and the final rule identifies possible methods of destruction, to include completely melting, shredding, or crushing the device. Any method of destruction must render the device incapable of being readily restored to function. https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/bump-stocks
  20. Big Browns

    Long list of items

    I live in Queen Creek, but travel to Marana once a week. I would be willing to pick up any items and bring them to my house if anyone in the north valley is wanting to buy something.
  21. Big Browns

    Successful Handgun Hunts

    Pics or it didn't happen
  22. Great deal! Wish I lived closer!
  23. Big Browns

    Gunwerks G7 BR2 question

    I personally have my guns zero set at 300 yards. I prefer to dial as little as possible so setting my zero at 300 allows me to dial less when shooting 5-700 yards. I haven't shot an animal with my rifle under 300 yards so I figure 300 is a good starting place.
  24. Big Browns

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    I'm sure the salvage value of a WWII era plane is worth more than $20K. I'm sure the insurance company would love to have the plane back regardless of condition. I'm really surprised it didn't start a fire upon crashing. Leads me to believe it may have landed in better condition than expected. If the plane leveled before crashing it may have traveled further than expected.