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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    2014 Bowtech Carbon Knight RH 60lb

    Sweet bow!
  2. Big Browns

    Best trophy picture ever

    Crazy how dirty that goat is!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Tag Transfer

    Yes, non-residents can donate tags. If you buy her a lifetime license she will still have to pay the non-resident fees, but she will be placed into the resident draw pool. 100% worth the money to maintain better draw odds.
  4. Big Browns

    Can we get hoodies made????

    They look great! I'm really happy you add the performance shirts to the list.
  5. Big Browns

    HOWA 1500 6.5 Creedmoor HS Precision

    Nice looking gun!
  6. Big Browns


    Congrats. So let's hear about the hunt....
  7. Big Browns

    Can’t kill a buck

    Looks really fun!
  8. Big Browns

    Big Horn Cape needed

    Try posting on taxidermy.net
  9. Big Browns

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    I've been told some people have seen Elk in the Gold Canyon area. Not sure if it was true, but I could see it happening.
  10. Big Browns

    1st Arizona hunt story and shout out

    Great job and congrats on a successful first trip to Arizona! Kevin is definitely a great guy and will make a great guide when he is ready!
  11. Big Browns

    Sonora Coues hunt (last minute opening)

    That's really reasonable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Sonora Coues hunt (last minute opening)

    That sure would be fun!
  13. Big Browns

    7mm Mag or 300 WM ?

    Either is a great hunting round!
  14. Big Browns

    Can we get hoodies made????

    They all look Awesome to me!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Dual pig mount

    Very nice!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Mountain Muley Typical 4 x 4 2019 success!!

    That's Awesome!!! Congrats!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Can we get hoodies made????

    I would really love to have a cw.com sweatshirt!!!!
  18. Are there any hand gun records for hunting? If so where can I find the info? Thanks, Adam
  19. Big Browns

    MEC 650 Reloader

    These are great loaders! I have two of them.
  20. Big Browns

    First Time Javelina Hunting Question

    I've seen them feeding next to cattle a bunch of times. A lot depends on the temperament of the herd of pigs and cattle.
  21. Big Browns

    New Years at Canyon de Chelly

    WOW, absolutely Amazing!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    WTB Heated socks

    My toes nearly froze off this past week of hunting. While I was sitting on the hills FREEZING my butt off I decided I need to look into heated socks. Anyone have any experience or recommendations?
  23. Big Browns

    22 Points

    What is your physical conditioning? 23 North can have some rough country. Unit 1 can be tough as well, but typically a little flatter.
  24. Big Browns


    WOW, great deal!!!
  25. Big Browns

    2018 good times

    Very cool! Congrats!!!