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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. WOW, Amazing looking gun! Eric builds some of the best guns around! Congrats!
  2. Big Browns

    2019 Mexico hunt

    Congrats and I love the wall of success!
  3. Big Browns

    WTB KUIU Super Down PRO Hooded Jacket

    Still looking.
  4. Big Browns

    Dad Passes

    Very sorry for your loss!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Bull Elk 22 South

    FYI, the power lines are good, but in this case it was a joke:) FYI, really funny joke for those who know!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Packer for hire?

    Unfortunately there are not many "Packer" services in Az. In the past when I've needed help I've hired local kids to help pack out. Most guys will help for free if beers are included with a steak dinner. I've paid a few guys over the years as well. Once you have a bull down make a post stating you need help and you will have all the help you need!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Wyoming Guided hunt advice?

    You 100% do not need a guide to hunt Antelope in Wyoming!!!!! Plenty of public land and 1000's of goats!!!!
  8. SOLD!!!!!! Brand new Manfrotto 496rc2 ball head for sale or trade. $50 obo.
  9. Big Browns

    Manfrotto 496rc2 ball head for sale

    SPF to Hawkruiz69
  10. Big Browns

    Manfrotto 496rc2 ball head for sale

    $30. TTT
  11. Big Browns

    sxs windshield recommendations

    I have a full and half windshield. They both have positives and negatives. If I had to do it over again I would buy the full windshield that pops out at the bottom to help with the dust.
  12. Big Browns

    Pronghorn Hits?

    Lots and lots of points!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    7mm rebarrel

    I recommend staying with the 7RM. I have and love my 28 Nosler, but it's expensive and has a short barrel life. The 7RM will do everything and more for all hunting situations.
  14. Big Browns

    Hunting other states

    If you want to hunt Elk out of state and have a good chance at being successful Colorado is NOT the state to look at. I highly recommend looking at general tags in Wyoming and Montana. You can hunt the rut in Wyoming with a bow every other year with a general tag. The success rates are much higher than Colorado.
  15. Big Browns

    Pronghorn Hits?

    Congrats jerks!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    16A Stink'A-Lina

    Good luck tomorrow Chris!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Cool Rocks Found

    My wife found some really cool rocks this past weekend. We would love to know what they are. We are assuming they are some kind of Geods. They have lots of crystal like formations on them. Anyone know what they are?
  18. Big Browns

    Please welcome AxisWorks LLC as our newest sponsor!

    Eric is a great guy and builds Amazing guns!!!!! I highly recommend his services for any custom gun builds
  19. Big Browns


    Great job buddy! The only thing you forgot to mention was how EXTREMELY BORING it was waiting on them for 4 hours!!!! You have become a great hunter over the past few years. Congrats!
  20. Big Browns

    Opening Day Pig

    Congrats buddy!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Wife’s 2019 javelina

    Very cool! I love the pig in snow pics!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Archery Lope how many BPs

    Go to Wyoming, you can hunt them every year!!!
  23. Big Browns

    AR15 Pistol Lower WANTED

    If anyone has a complete or stripped lower for sale please let me know.
  24. Big Browns

    Big Browns

    And a taker!!!!