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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTB Fast Eddie XL Bow Sight

  2. Big Browns

    Canada Bear hunt

    Bob, it's ok to have a different opinion than others, but the way you are going about sharing it is 100% disrespectful! You are the only one on this thread being childish, rude, hurtful and unprofessional! If you can't say something nice don't post it!!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Sig Kilo 2400ABS FS $950 obo

    Smoking deal!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    I just spoke with Brian. We are working out the details. The only thing in my way is my wife:) Fingers crossed!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Dillon 650xl package

    Sweet set up. I love my 650!
  6. Big Browns

    ATV trailer recommendations

    I got lucky and got a great deal on a dual axle Big Tex trailer from a CW member. I wanted a dual axle trailer, because in my experience they tow better. I didn't realize how much of a pain it would be to move due to the added weight. The other separate issue I didn't take into consideration is I have to store my vehicle and trailer out side. Therefore I wish I would have bought a covered trailer. Yes, I still wouldn't be able to move it without a vehicle, but it would protect my investment much better over the years. Plus a covered trailer could be set up with bunk beds and act as a great hunting trailer.
  7. Big Browns

    Brand New Ruger American 6.5 Creedmoor GoWild

    I have the same rifle and love it! Very accurate!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Vortex Cobra

    Awesome April fools joke!!!
  9. Big Browns

    Deadline, Colorado

    Already done, but thanks for the reminder.
  10. Big Browns

    what to do with trophies

    Try selling to Antique shops up north or donate to local shops. Taxidermy is hard to sell!
  11. Big Browns

    Hunt guidlines

    I just wish they would reduce the tags in a lot of the southern units! Those units get hunted extremely hard and need a break!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    ISO Sig Kilo 2400 ABS

    Awesome range finder! I love mine!!!!
  13. Big Browns


    Anyone go to the expo yesterday? Just wondering if it improved???
  14. Big Browns


  15. Big Browns

    Confidence building in teens, what have you done?

    Definitely get her involved in some type of martial arts!!!!! Definitely helped my kids!
  16. Big Browns

    Where am I?????

    WOW! That looks like Casey's fishing partner;)
  17. Big Browns

    Where am I?????

    I'm in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    1000 yards here we come

    Cool machine!
  19. If anyone has a camo one in Large or XL they want to sell please let me know.
  20. Big Browns

    WTB KUIU Super Down PRO Hooded Jacket

    Wind yes, waterproof no.
  21. Big Browns

    Got My Buck Back...

    Definitely a monster in my eyes! Congrats!!!
  22. Big Browns


    Great deal!
  23. A 9 pound 300win mag is gonna kick like a mule!