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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns


    Great deals!!!! Wish I had the extra cash for the Taurus. Great gun!
  2. Big Browns

    Draysen's Kansas Turkey Hunt

    Great story, great young man, great father and great hunt! Absolutely Amazing!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Junior Bird Down!!!

    Very cool! Congratulations!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Jacob Gets a Turkey

    That's Awesome! Congrats!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    First youth turkey

    Freaking Awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Rrrrrattle Rattle

    My house would be immediately be fore sale!!!!!
  7. Big Browns


    If you are local I'll take it. Adam
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Archery deer target

    Just wondering if anyone is selling a used archery Deer/Antelope target?
  9. Big Browns

    WTB Archery deer target

    I saw those. Unfortunately whoever is selling them has unrealistic prices for very used targets!
  10. Big Browns

    WTB Archery deer target

  11. Big Browns

    Christensen Arms Ridgeline W/ Leupold VX6 HD

    Sweet looking gun!!!
  12. Big Browns

    2 pairs 15x56 for sale and one rifle

    That gun is sweet looking with the matching muzzle break!
  13. Big Browns

    Spring in the Desert

    I really wish I had your photography skills!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Water Canyon Road to Big Lake

    Does anyone know if the Water Canyon road is open?
  15. Big Browns

    Water Canyon Road to Big Lake

    Thanks for the update. Bummer!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Nosler 48 NCH Handgun

    I want one, but to much $ for me!!!
  17. Big Browns

    San Diego 4th of July Suggestions

    Are there any good shore fishing areas?
  18. Big Browns

    Sig Kilo 2400ABS FS $950 obo

    I can't believe this hasn't sold! This is the best ballistic range finder!
  19. Big Browns

    "Biggest" selling holster in town....

  20. If you can sit still water is your best bet. If you can't sit still you should spot and stalk.
  21. The info provided in the G&F page about the AREA is spot on. The key is to find a remote water source and sit for days on end until you get a shot. The key to success on Spring Archery Bear hunts is simple! The more time you spend in the woods the better your odds!!!!!! Another key point: Most good Bear hunters would give you their best Whitetail spot before giving you any Bear spots!!!!!! Good Bear spots are worth more than GOLD!!!!! Good Luck and have fun! Adam
  22. Big Browns

    Mazaltan wilderness

    PM sent
  23. Big Browns

    Eberlestock M5 Team Elk

    I love mine, greatest pack I've ever used!
  24. Big Browns

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    I spoke to Brian tonight. Unfortunately with work restraints I can't take advantage of this unbelievably smoking deal! He did say he would be willing to consider a trade for a high end 10 power binocular. Please give him a call if you are interested in going on an Amazing Goulds hunt!!! Brian 480-349-1075
  25. Big Browns

    WTB Fast Eddie XL Bow Sight

    I'm looking for a used 3 pin fast eddie xl bow sight. Thx, Adam