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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Where is I?????

    30 years ago!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns


    You only need to update your card info if you want to change the card.
  3. Big Browns

    Brandon's Taxidermy

    Where is he located?
  4. Big Browns

    Any houndsmen need help or a place due to fires?

    Very nice of you to offer that!
  5. Big Browns

    Son's Taekwondo Journey: Its On!!! HE DID IT!!!

    Very cool, Thanks!
  6. Big Browns

    Lower Black River

    Where are all the fish pics????
  7. Big Browns

    RIP GameHauler

    Very sorry to hear that! That is still one of my favorite threads....
  8. The Remington long range is a nice gun, but limited to caliber other than your choice. If you are looking for Creedmoor you can't beat the Ruger Go Wild or Predator models for the price and looks. They are very accurate factory guns! Keep in mind the Creedmoor is a medium range Elk gun at best. My buddies have killed several at 4-500 yards, but 500 is max in my opinion. The creedmoor is an excellent deer gun, but just an ok Elk gun!
  9. Big Browns

    Custom hunting knife made by Lambson custom knives

    WOW! That handle is Amazing!
  10. I got a CVA Optima V2 for Christmas. Just wondering if anyone else has this gun or recommends a load to start with. Keep in mind I'm a total newbie with muzzle loaders.
  11. Big Browns

    Fun in the woods

    Nice job, congrats!!!
  12. Big Browns


    Joe Rogan, Meateater, American History Tellers, The way I herd it with Mike Row, Hunt talk with Randy Newberg, Born & Raised and The Gritty Bowman.
  13. Big Browns

    Towing out of terminal 4 garage sky harbor

    It might be cheaper to have a mobile repair guy come out.
  14. Big Browns


  15. Big Browns

    Father son double

    I obviously missed this earlier this year. Congrats! Getting two deer down at the same time is really cool!
  16. Big Browns

    Polaris General Crew VS Ranger Crew

    I bought it used from a guy in Riverside.
  17. Big Browns

    Polaris General Crew VS Ranger Crew

    I almost bought the General, but after looking at the bed space and only being able to carry 4 people I decided to get the Ranger Crew. The General is definitely cooler looking, but since we've already filled the bed several times on several hunts I know I made the correct decision! I have a 2016 crew 900. It has plenty of power and rides really nice. It's also very quiet. We can easily have conversations while riding. FYI, I bought mine used in California. The ranger prices in California seem to be thousands less than Az. Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions!
  18. Big Browns

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    Congrats to your son! I hope you both have an Amazing experience together!!!! Take a LOT of pictures!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Couple of Nice Coues Bucks

    Beautiful mounts! I hate seeing guys needing to sell their Taxidermy work. Breaks my heart!!!! I'll be dead before any of my stuff get's sold!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Some extra rifles

    Never can have too many!!!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Make offer

    Call some Antique/furniture stores up north and see if they can sell it for you or see if they are willing to buy it. There are always people trying to decorate a cabin.
  22. Big Browns

    Free coolers, gas tank and chair

    Sweet deal!
  23. Big Browns

    WTB Savage Mako or Tiger shark

    If anyone has one for sale please let me know.
  24. Big Browns

    WTB Savage Mako or Tiger shark

    Still looking for one....TTT