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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Home for sale in 22S

    Looks nice!!
  2. Big Browns

    Stoeger 3500 12GA

    Great gun! I love mine!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Anyone own a carpet cleaning business

    Definitely sucking up!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    For sale NIB Sig Kilo 2400abs $1200

    I have and love this rangefinder!!!!!!!
  5. I highly recommend you contact a Josh who has a local Sandhill crane guide service "Fur2feathersaz". Josh (Crane Guide) Mobile (520) 275-9246
  6. Big Browns

    Shout Out to Timber Mesa

    Definitely a great shop!!
  7. Big Browns

    WTB 3D Archery target

    Anyone have a used Archery 3D/Deer target they want to sell?
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Elite Impulse 34

    My brother in law is looking for an Elite Impulse 34. If someone has one for sale please let me know. He would prefer a fully set up bow, but would consider all options. Thanks, Adam
  9. Big Browns

    Colt 1991 45 acp

    Smoking deal! Please place me on the list as well if other sales fall through.
  10. Big Browns

    Leftover Shrinkage

    For those paying attention we recognized this trend a few years ago. I'm actually surprised we have leftover tags at all!
  11. Big Browns

    Outfitters that guide in 24B?

    Jim, I don't know 24B, but I would be willing to talk with you or take you out a few times to show you how to hunt. A few scouting trips with a couple of experienced hunters will give you plenty of knowledge to be able to hunt on your own. There is nothing wrong with going on a guided hunt, but it's expensive! You can gain similar experience during scouting/hunting with normal guys. There's also LOTS of YouTube video's that give you plenty of information on how to start hunting in Arizona!!! If your interested PM me. Adam
  12. Big Browns

    Chandler Archery Park Tomorrow Morning

    Thx, it was nice shooting with you guys as well! Definitely a fun morning.
  13. I'm planning on shooting at the Chandler archery park tomorrow morning if anyone wants to join me.
  14. Big Browns

    Chandler Archery Park Tomorrow Morning

    If anyone from the site is here, I'm in a Muley Crazy shirt and Cardinals hat.
  15. Big Browns

    Chandler Archery Park Tomorrow Morning

    I'm leaving in a few minutes. They have large bail/carpet targets. You can also bring your own target. It's a 100 yard range.
  16. Big Browns

    Chandler Archery Park Tomorrow Morning

    Yep, that's the place. Maybe next time. I'll be shooting there every weekend until mid August preparing for my Antelope hunt.
  17. Big Browns

    Arctic Shield feet warmers XL

    Where are you located?
  18. Big Browns

    Timber Mesa Outdoors

    Yesterday I went to Timber Mesa Outdoors with the intent to buy a dozen arrows, because I recently killed my backyard wall. I also thought I needed a new sight for additional clearance for longer shooting. Thankfully I was helped by a fellow Coues Whitetail member Junior (Maverick 351). Junior spent almost 2 hours with me getting my bow tuned and properly set up. The service was absolutely Amazing! In fact it was the best service I've ever had at an Archery shop! I didn't even leave with arrows. Junior set me up with 1 arrow to take home and test out to ensure I got the right arrow set up. How many shops would send a guy home with 1 arrow to test when he came in for a dozen? I could tell he truly cared and wanted to help me, not sell me product! I'll be back in a few days for a dozen arrows and all my future bow business! I can't recommend them enough! Adam
  19. I'm going to Alberta, Canada in November. I'm planning on taking my rifle. When I look up the rules it's very confusing. Has anyone taken a gun into Alberta? If so what was the process? Thanks, Adam
  20. Big Browns

    How do we get SCAM posts removed

    How do we get scam removed?
  21. Big Browns

    How do we get SCAM posts removed

    Copy, thanks!
  22. Big Browns

    Another San Juan Trip w/ My Son

    Freaking Awesome!!!! Congrats to you for getting your son outdoors! I wish my kids had an interest in the outdoors!
  23. Big Browns

    Where to hunt?

    I've seen some Huge pigs here! 33.445505,-112.071140
  24. Big Browns

    41W Sheep 2019

    WOW, Congrats buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Big Browns

    Love snakes, but not these ones!!!!

    Soooooooo DISGUSTING and SCARRRRRY!!!!!