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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    We need selfies............
  2. Big Browns

    Help With Score Guess

    Who cares, shoot him!!!!!!! Awesome Buck!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Surrendered Tag. Unit 9

    With that many points I would have made the same decision. A large part of the fun with Antelope hunting is the scouting. It would be a let down not having the time to scout and enjoy learning the country.
  4. Big Browns

    Wifeys AZ Rim Country Archery Bull (Pics)

    Great job, Congrats!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Swarovski Customer Service

    I've sent mine in 4 different times. 50% was free and 50% I had to pay for. The interesting part is one of the items I had to pay for was free the last time I sent them in. Swarovski used to have the BEST warranty in the business, but over the past 10 years they have lost their luster!!!! They are still the best binos in the industry, but unfortunately their warranty doesn't follow the quality of their glass!
  6. Big Browns

    Sold ** Custom 6.5-284, Proof Research, Nightforce

    Sweet rig!!!!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Barrel and action for 338 Lapua build

  8. Big Browns

    Enclosed trailer for Polaris Crew

    I'm looking for an enclosed trailer for my Polaris Ranger crew. I'm interested to see what other people are using? Any advice? Anyone have one for sale?
  9. Big Browns


    Rim rd
  10. Big Browns


    I love freak bulls! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  11. Big Browns

    BBQ Pulled Black Bear

    Great job Chris! It tastes Amazing!!!!!!
  12. Call Nick 928-600-9294
  13. Big Browns

    Dove for dinner

    WOW, that looks fantastic! I will definitely try that sometime.
  14. Big Browns

    Unit 10 turned in tag.

    Freaking Awesome!!!!! Congrats Wendy!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Anyone have a 3 man blind I can borrow?

    Yes, I have one you can barrow
  16. Big Browns

    Realistic Field Shooting

    I personally won't shoot at a moving animal and I SUCK at off hand shooting. With that said I kill a lot of animals, not because I'm good, it's because I'm patient and wait for the right situation. My right situation may be different than others. If I had to go on a hunt that only offered off hand shooting I would be MISERABLE! I like my style of hunting. If the situation isn't right, oh well. We all need to know our own limitations and expectations!
  17. Big Browns

    Unit 10 my beautiful blessing

    Very nice, Congrats!!!!
  18. This is and was a great thread! Congratulations on getting a deer. Sorry it's not what you wanted, but all the great memories will last longer than the head anyway!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Dove Street Tacos 🌮🌮🌮

    Looks Amazing!!!!!
  20. What about "the rest of the story"??????
  21. I can't wait to hear what happened!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    Great job buddy!!!!!
  23. Big Browns

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    I got pics;)
  24. Big Browns

    Hunter’s Big Chance 2019

    This isn't fair, we need pics!!!!!!°
  25. Big Browns

    2019 Coues hunt

    Great job buddy!!!!! Very nice Buck!!!!