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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    I don't see this specific issue being directly addressed in the regs, therefore I personally don't have a moral issue shooting an animal from 22 into 23, etc. Some will agree and disagree, either way until I see this specific issue reflected in the regs I have no moral delema! Don't bring up unit boundaries as evidence. Unit boundaries are the boundaries in wich an animal can be harvested, I.E. dies! If I shoot the animal in 23 from 22 and the animal dies in 23, I consider myself fulfilling the boundary obligations!
  2. Call me at 928 595 1554 4 seats
  3. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Chris (goldfinger78) and I headed to Canada yesterday for a Canadian Whitetail hunt on a friends farm. After drinking a little to much at our favorite airport restaurant we finally arrived late last night. Were headed to the blinds in a few minutes. It's COLD!!!!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Vapor Trail Buck

    Cool tall buck!
  5. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Here's pics of the deer Chris got. Also a picture of our deer together.
  6. Big Browns

    The trophy room!

    I love this thread! Great looking walls everyone!!!!
  7. That video and shot was Awesome! You guys definitely put the work in to be successful long range shooter's!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Canadian pack out service:)
  9. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    The bodies on these deer are absolutely HUGE!! I couldn't move the deer without help. He was the size of an Az cow Elk!
  10. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Not the G2 Buck I was after, but with only 1 day left I decided my passing days where over! Average buck for this farm.
  11. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Only seen Cow and Calf Moose
  12. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Crazy slow evening! We only saw a few deer between 6 hunters. Hope it gets better, only 2 days left.
  13. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Really slow morning for everyone. I passed on a buck that I probably should have shot. With the full moon, I think there moving at night.
  14. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    No shooters tonight:( Saw 4 bucks, but all were small. Only 1 doe.
  15. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Super cold morning today. Especially since the heater in my blind refused to work. -6 with no heater REALLY sucks! I saw 4 Bucks. Nothing big enough to shoot. This one came within bow range.
  16. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Different blinds for everyone each day.
  17. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    I passed on this buck tonight. Nice buck, just not quite what I'm looking for.
  18. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    I almost got it done this morning. I had a nice buck with a split G2 50 yards in front of me 10 minutes before legal shooting light. Unfortunately he walked off before it was legal light. A few hours later I saw a few does and a small buck. Thank God for buddy heaters!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Only saw 1 doe and 1 small buck. It supposed to be -6 tomorrow morning. It's not gonna be fun!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Here's the view from my evening blind. Cool spot.
  21. Big Browns

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Still in the blind. I've seen 4 cow Moose and 5 Whitetail does. No bucks. Thank God for propane heaters!!!
  22. If anyone is looking for a place to stay while hunting Sandhill Crane hunting down south I HIGHLY recommend staying at "Sandhill Crane Cottage". The owner is very nice and the cottage is Amazing! It's also 30 seconds from the roosting grounds. 520-210-1875 If you need a guide I used Josh with Fur2feathersaz (520-275-9246). He is Awesome!!!!!!