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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Pig Down

    Hey, shooting 101 Eurasian dove's in a morning is Exhausting:)
  2. Big Browns

    Pig Down

    Congrats Thomas. 100% that hike sucked! Especially for a stink pig!!!!!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Heritage 22 revolver

    Great deal!
  4. Big Browns

    3 preference points - suggestions

    With 3 points you have less than a 5% chance at drawing any good hunts! This is Arizona. All the good tags take more than 3 points!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Beretta 391 Youth 20ga Price Drop

    AWESOME gun!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Ruger Go Wild 6.5 Creedmoor for sale

    Sorry it's Sold
  7. rounds through it. It was properly broke in. I bought this gun, because I wanted a mountain/hiking rifle. Unfortunately, the roof blew off my Polaris Ranger during the Tornado that hit our neighborhood in December. Therefore, I'm going to sell this to replenish the cost of the roof.  $450 firm. Located in Queen Creek
  8. Big Browns

    Colt Python is Back!!!

    It's back! I'm sure it will be a while before we can actually purchase one due to the demand, but I'm definitely buying one. It looks like they did a great job keeping the good looks of the original Python in the new Python. For a Python it's reasonably priced. For a normal high end revolver, it's a little much!
  9. Can you please post his email address?
  10. Big Browns

    Green Chili Javelina

    I tried this recipe today. I only made a few minor changes and mistakes. I used different ingredients to make do with what I already had. I also cooked mine at 200 degrees for 8 hours and then 300 for the final 2 hours. The mistake was not ensuring ALL the meat was submerged in liquid. That's why I had to up the temperature for the final 2 hours. If I would have had all the meat submerged is sauce I'm sure it would have been ready at the 8 hour mark. It turned out AMAZING!!!!
  11. WOW, great deal!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Ruger Go Wild 6.5 Creedmoor for sale

    Unfortunately I won't be in Tucson or Payson anytime soon. Since the PM's aren't working anyone interested please call me. Adam 928-595-1554
  13. Almost new Ruger go wild creedmoor for sale. I've only shot 20 rounds through it. It was properly broke in. I bought this gun, because I wanted a mountain/hiking rifle. Unfortunately, the roof blew off my Polaris Ranger during the Tornado that hit our neighborhood in December. Therefore, I'm going to sell this to replenish the cost of the roof. $450 firm. Located in Queen Creek
  14. Big Browns

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Let's go
  15. Big Browns

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    I would like to plan a Wyoming or Montana public land Whitetail hunt. I'm not sure where to start. Just wondering if any CW members have any first hand experience they would be willing to share. Thx, Adam
  16. Big Browns

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Call me, let's go
  17. Big Browns

    Ruger Go Wild 6.5 Creedmoor for sale

    Sorry, I just realized I posted this in the wrong section!
  18. Big Browns

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Yotebuster, your in box is full. Please send me your number so we can talk.
  19. Big Browns

    Montana or Wyoming Whitetail hunt

    Thanks for the info, but I'm looking for a public land hunt.
  20. Big Browns

    WTB Turkey Fryer

    Anyone in the East Valley have a Turkey Fryer they want to sell cheap?
  21. Big Browns

    Opinions on vortex spotting scope

    Save your money!!!!!!!!!
  22. I've spoke with G&F and was told any AR with a brace is legal.
  23. Big Browns

    What would you do with 21 points?

    100% what ^ said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Dele, I'm not sure who did the work as I bought the gun with the work already done. I'm sure any competent gun Smith could do the work.