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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Tripod Game Hoist

    Where are you located?
  2. Big Browns

    In's and Out's of filing for Short Term Disability

    A lot of people utilize a private short term disability through private company. Aflac is very popular. It's too late for Chris, but it's something anyone without short term disability may want to consider. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjgsI2psOvnAhWP42QKHf2iAsQYABAAGgJwag&sig=AOD64_0UciiFsnazffV1f2lQ9iGJLK99pg&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiWmYWpsOvnAhWRoFsKHU7vB6AQ0Qx6BAgOEAE&adurl=
  3. Big Browns

    Wife 2020 javelina

    Great job, Congrats!!
  4. Big Browns

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    There are lots of negative reasons for not meeting. The only positive meeting would be to allow the family some possible closure.
  5. Big Browns

    Bob Stonoff

    WOW, he did a lot with his time on earth. It sounds like he positively impacted a lot of people. God bless!
  6. Big Browns

    My 2018 Bull Elk Came Home Today

    Looks Awesome!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Broke ankle in 16A need help

    Really happy your ok! Thank God for great CW members willing to help.
  8. Big Browns

    For sale AR-15 Pistol

    WOW, I'm in the market for an AR pistol, but unfortunately it's more than I can spend. I bet that thing is crazy loud with that muzzle break! Droool.................
  9. Big Browns

    CC hits

    I was just told some people are already seeing CC hits. Can anyone confirm?
  10. Big Browns

    CC hits

    I discovered the deadline for updating cc is the 27th. Hits will start on the 28th.
  11. Big Browns


    Frozen or tanned?
  12. Big Browns

    CC hits

    Have they published a final date to update the cards? Normally they draw the day after the deadline, therefore If they are not going to issue final dates for updates then I would think they would have to draw today.
  13. Big Browns

    ? On Muzzleloaders reg change.

    I really hope Az G&F doesn't do this for one simple reason. We already have enough regulations! We don't need any more regulations! Yes, a few people have long range muzzleloaders, but the percentage of those who do and those who don't is very different. I still don't understand why this county continues to bend it's will to the minority of those pursuing anything! I don't know why so many are up in arms about long range muzzleoaders anyway. I almost guarantee those with a long range muzzleloader are much more accurate than those without. How about we start shaming people for their poor accuracy and not the distance they take animals!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Where am I

    You beat me to it. Definitely Raton pass. I was shocked when I first saw that sign as well.
  15. Big Browns

    Sold - SKB hard case (double or triple)

    Next in line if the sale falls through.
  16. Big Browns

    71 yrs old with 19 bonus points, what unit for a Bull

    Whatever you do, do NOT spend 19 points on a late archery tag. Don't get me wrong, some of the late archery hunts can be good, but overall they suck for any type of good bull. Yes, some great bulls are taken each year on these hunts, but as I said overall they don't produce good bulls. I HIGHLY recommend a later rifle bull hunt in 27, 1, 23, 3A/3c. Especially if you are hiring a guide.
  17. Big Browns

    Unit Suggestions for Pops

  18. Big Browns

    Caribou Taxidermists?

    We need to see more pics of this wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing Coues collection!
  19. Big Browns

    Unit Suggestions for Pops

    Is this for a resident or non-resident?
  20. Big Browns

    WTB AR Pistol lower

    If you have one for sale please let me know.
  21. Big Browns

    Shotguns for sale price drop

    Smoking deal! I love shooting 28 gauge shot guns!!!
  22. Big Browns

    san carlos bear rug

    Looks great! Congrats!!
  23. Big Browns

    2020 Javelina

    Great job!!!! Success after a long hard fight is very sweet!!
  24. Big Browns

    Pig Down

    That looks Amazing! What is the recipe???