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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    FS Harris bipod SBRM with podlock

    Good Deal!!!
  2. Big Browns

    Rocky Shooter?

    I don't know what he scores, but if I had the tag I would be really happy to harvest him!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Smith and Wesson Model 686

  4. Big Browns

    Az Deer Association Rifle raffle.....Winner posted....

    Congrats Nathan!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Az Deer Association Rifle raffle.....Winner posted....

    Awesome guns!! I got my ticket
  6. Big Browns

    Day trip / over nighters ideas

    Skip the trail and take them shed hunting.
  7. Big Browns

    Colorado deputy escaped the jaws of a mountain lion

  8. Big Browns

    Youth cow unit 22 help

    I highly recommend purchasing a system to allow her to shoot standing up. That are has a lot of 5 foot tall Manzaneta that makes shooting prone almost impossible. We use the triclawps.
  9. Big Browns

    Youth cow unit 22 help

    The youth cow hunts have become my favorite hunt of the year! Bulls are usually screaming and cows are everywhere!
  10. Big Browns

    Sell or keep

    I think it looks cool! I agree it could be an Awesome camp table with a little cleaning and paint.
  11. I've become a huge fan of Pistol AR's. I'm planning on buying this one soon.
  12. Congrats, but I hate you!
  13. Big Browns


    Sweet set up!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Sliding Patio Door Glass?

    Ok, gotta here the story????
  15. Big Browns

    2020 AZ SOLO JAVELINA - pic and video heavy!

    That's Awesome!!!! Those taco's look Amazing!!! Congrats!
  16. Big Browns

    AZ has treated me well

    Very nice, congrats!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Strictly bull size 27 or 8?

    I definitely see bigger bulls come out of 27 during all the hunts. Either unit has the potential of a great bull!
  18. Big Browns

    Mountain Goat!!!

    WOW, that looks Amazing!!!! That's exactly what I want to do if I ever get one!
  19. Big Browns

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    My wife and I were having a great evening out tonight, until I asked her to check the credit card first thing tomorrow morning for CC hits. That's when a bomb exploded in our car. My wife say "Oh yah, I forgot to tell you, we got a new credit card a few weeks ago, because the last one expired" Of course, I immediately thought my wife was messing with me. I thought "there is no way she is actually being serious". I was WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remained perfectly calm, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our great evening was immediately destroyed due to my 2 year old like temper tantrum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, it gets worse!!! I log on to my email to read the AZGFD email to see what time the deadline is. Thankfully I see I have 3 hours left. Of course, with the wonderful AZGFD online system 3 hours may not be enough time!!! I log on and attempt to update my card. That's when another bomb goes off! I cannot update my card without my order number! F$&*(#$*@^!@&%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thus begins the 2 hour search though my wife's, kids, dads and my own email to find the numbers. Thankfully my son and my dad decide they hate having clutter in their emails and not only delete their in box, but also their trash box! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ultimately, I was able to update my card, my wife's and my oldest sons card. Unfortunately, I was not able to update my dad's or my youngest son's card. This will result in both of them loosing 4 points! I'm beyond furious with the horrific system that AZGFD uses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the emails probably should have been saved, but the system should allow some other way to update the account! I then decided to send a wonderful email to the AZGFD Director, Commission and Governor to express my sincere appreciation for their draw system. The only problem is the AZGFD site doesn't list the Director's or Commission members emails. I guarantee I will eventually find it, but I can barely see anything but blood red right now!!!!! I will definitely be going to the next commission meeting to discuss this issue! I guarantee it will be popcorn worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Pissed off Adam
  20. Big Browns

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

  21. Big Browns

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    To be clear, the mistake is 100% my fault. I should have recognized the expiration date and used another card. I'm only pissed at G&F for their horrible site! I still can't believe that I have to log into each persons application for each species with the order number before I can update the card. We have all said this hundreds of times, "THIS SYSTEM CAN AND MUST BE IMPROVED" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Colorado preference point question

    Application Fee $9, Small Game License $82.78, Preference point for Elk & Deer $10.
  23. Big Browns

    Ladder test with a diy wireless camera

    What do we need to order to create our own?
  24. Big Browns

    Colorado preference point question

    You also must buy a license to purchase a point or apply.