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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. I've been looking for a new bow for a couple of years, but I really havent had the money to get something nice. I recently went to SW and saw a Kodiac Outdoor "Nomad" for only $149.00. I shot the bow. It seemed really nice and it was definatly quieter and faster than my other bow. I know the company has gone out of buisness, but I still thought it was a good bow with minimal risk. Does anyone have any info or experance with this company.
  2. Big Browns

    "WANTED" Flagstaff Cabin rental

    I would like to take my wife and kids to Flagstaff this weekend. We were wanting to stay Sat. night and possibly Sunday night. If anyone know's of a reasonably priced place to stay please let me know. I would prefer to rent a cabin. Thanks Adam 928-595-1554
  3. Big Browns


    I have a friend who is having a lot of trouble finding any Elk in 19A. If anyone would be willing to give us some info I would be very gratefull. You can reach me at 928-595-1554 Adam
  4. Big Browns


    Drive up HWY 89, park your truck and start walking or start glassing and you will see plenty of Deer. The hard part is finding an area that doesn't get pounded during the season. Just because you don't see anyone while your scouting does NOT mean they won't be there during the season. 22 can be a mad house for the first couple of day's. Stay above 3000 feet, look at the rim:)
  5. Big Browns

    "WANTED" Yard clean up service

    I recently moved into a house in Queen Creek that has a back yard full of weeds. I really don't have the time to get it under control. Does anyone have anyone a trustworthy company that does yard clean up's that doesn't charge to much. Thanks Adam 928-595-1554
  6. Big Browns

    "WANTED" Yard clean up service

    Thanks Ernesto! I wish you were close too. This yard is a mess.
  7. Big Browns

    88 samurai

    How much and how many miles?
  8. Big Browns


    I have a Glock 21 I would consider for partial trade. Adam
  9. Big Browns

    WANTED Swarovski Range finder

    I'm looking for a used Swarovski Range finder in good condition. Let me know if you have one. Adam
  10. Big Browns

    WANTED Eberlestock mini me

    If anyone has a eberlestock mini me pack that there not using let me know.
  11. Big Browns

    Looking for a youth 22 rifle

    I'm looking for used 22 for my 8 year old son. If you have one that you don't want any more let me know. The cheaper the better. Adam 928 595 1554
  12. Big Browns

    Looking for a youth 22 rifle

    Still looking for a youth 22.
  13. Big Browns

    Looking for a youth 22 rifle

  14. Big Browns

    WTB Gun Safe

    Can you tell me about the safe's that you have in stock? How much? How big? How many guns? Fire rating? How much is shipping to Chandler? Feel free to call me with the info. Thanks, Adam Young 928-595-1554
  15. Big Browns

    WTB Gun Safe

    I'm looking for a used 12/24 gun safe. If anyone has one they want to get rid of please let me know. Thanks, Adam young azscouting@gmail.com
  16. Big Browns

    WTB Gun Safe

    I was thinking about that one. How much was the shipping? Do they just drop it off or do they place it whare you want it? Thx, Adam
  17. If you have a pair of these that you don't need please let me know. I know I can order them, but I don't want to wait that long. Adam 928-595-1554
  18. Big Browns

    Bear's Bears

    I hope you had a clean pair of Underware! I would have shoot myself! You da man!
  19. Big Browns

    22N december hunt

    22N used to be a great unit to hunt. Unfortunately G&F has almost ruined that Unit. They have slowly been increasing the tag numbers and killing off the Elk population. Just 4 years ago I could go to almost any part of 22 and glass up a number of good Bulls. Now it's become difficult to find a rag horn. Is there still GREAT Bulls in 22? Yes, but the amount of tags is decreasing there numbers dramaticly. Over the last 4 years I have seen the number of small Bulls being killed increase dramaticly. The quality of this hunt has gone way donw. Not just in size or number of Bulls, but it's become a war zone full of un-ethical hunters. Hopefully G&F will drop the number of tags on both hunt's and start going back to quality of hunts and not just opportunity. Just my 2 cent's. Adam
  20. I posted this a couple month's ago and got several great responses, but nothing really worked out. I am a member of a local RC Glider club. We are desperately in need of a field to fly at. We are looking for a piece of property that is at liest 10 Acres. Grass or Alphalfa would be ideal or have the ability to grow grass. The planes are made out of molded fiberglass and kevlar. The smoother the landing surface the better. If anyone know's of anyone who has a piece of property that we might be able to use/rent please let me know. The property needs to be at liest 6 miles from any major airport. Thanks Adam Young 928-595-1554
  21. Big Browns

    Where do you go Practice shooting 600yds plus...

    When is the long range open at Ben Avery? Do you have to be qualified to shoot there?
  22. Big Browns


    My buddy finally saw a Bull on Saturday morning. Seeing that Elk really helped keep hope alive. Hopefully we can put one down on Friday. Adam
  23. Big Browns


    I've never had this much trouble finding Elk. I know this can be a very difficult hunt. Hopefully we can get something figured out in the next week. Adam
  24. Big Browns


    So far it's not looking very good for my buddy. We have scouted 6 plus day's and have seen NOTHING! I know the Elk are there someware, but we havent been able to find them yet. This is becoming a very frustrating hunt. I'm starting to forget what an Elk looks like! I hope you guy's are doing better than us. Adam
  25. Big Browns

    November 6 Bear

    WOW! Nice Bear, Congrats. Adam