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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Investing in Silver

    What kind of silver do you recomend buying? I'm planning on spending about $100 every pay check. Do all shops charge over spot or do some sell at spot? Adam 928-595-1554
  2. Big Browns

    A Bear from yesterday

    I had a similar box for a camra that I put on a spring in the Blue Wilderness in Unit 27. I had it lag bolted to the tree with a pad lock on the side. I had some one cut a notch in the tree to take the whole thing. God help the person that I find steeling a camra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How often do you need to change batteries? If it was stolen is there a way to track it down? Adam
  3. Big Browns

    A Bear from yesterday

    Can you post some picturs of the box you built. I need to have a few built for my cam's. Adam
  4. Big Browns

    A Bear from yesterday

    Congrats on the Great Bear! You must have HUGE Balls to put a Smart Scouter on public land in Az. I have had so many camra's stolen that I have a hard time keeping track. Good lukc and I hope your buddy gets a Bear. Adam
  5. Big Browns

    needing to sell items quickly

    Amazing deals!
  6. Big Browns

    Exercise Bike For Sale

  7. Big Browns

    Exercise Bike For Sale

    I bought this a couple years ago from Play it again sports for $349. I've decided that I would use a Treadmill more than a Exercise bike. This bike is in Great condition and it works perfectly. I'm not sure what to ask for it so I'm open to all offers. I'm going to use the money to buy a treadmill. I would also be open to gun trades. I would really like a short barrel 357, 22, quad repair, Concrete Paver work or Adult mens or womens bike. Adam 928-595-1554
  8. Big Browns


    Anyone have a Treadmill that they want to get rid of? I really need to start getting in better shape. I have a exercise bike, but I would rather walk or hike. If you have one that isn't too expensive please let me know. Adam
  9. Big Browns

    Kids Summer Camp Recommendations

    I would like to send my kids to Summer Camp this summer. Does anyone have any they would recommend? I want one that has more focus on outdoors I.E. Camping, Fishing, Archery, Hunting, Etc.... Adam
  10. Big Browns

    The new Swarovski 15's

    Any new info on the New 15's? Is there really a new pair of 15's coming out? A pair of EL 15's would be Awesome. I would really like to see a pair of Swarovski 20's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I've wanted to go to the Boulder Mountains in Utah for a long time. I think I will finally be able to make the trip this summer. Does anyone have any info on that area? I would love to get info on the various hike in lakes and streams. It sounds like an Awesome fishing adventrue. Have any of you guys gone fly fishing up there? If so please give me a call so we can talk about it. Thanks, Adam 928-595-1554
  12. Big Browns

    Bear defense

    I carry a full size 45 Cal Glock. It's a great gun, but I've been thinking about getting something a little smaller and lighter. I think a snub nose 357 would be a great gun for this situation. I agree that having Bear spray is better. I personally carry the handgun to protect against people and Mt. Lions more than Bear. I supose the spray would work for those situations as well, but I feel more comfortable having a gun on my side. Adam
  13. Big Browns

    Some CA Birds For You...

    Those are some great pictures. Amazing Beard and Spurs. How much does it cost to Turkey hunt in CA? I've heard it can be some really good hunting. Adam
  14. Big Browns

    I'm going to Wyoming!!!!!

    How many prefrence points did you have?
  15. Big Browns

    Leica 10-15 x 50 binoculars

    That's a GREAT DEAL! I was just telling a friend that I rarely see these binoculars for sale. Good luck on the sale! Adam
  16. I'm thinking about buying a left over Wyoming Antelope tag this year. I've never been to Wyoming and I have no clue where to go. Has anyone here got any info they would be willing to share? I'm not looking for anything big. I just want to take my son on an Awesome experance and see a lot of Antelope. What left over tags would you suggest to see a lot of Antelope. Would you recomend flying or driving? Any info would be great! Adam 928-595-1554
  17. Big Browns

    Youth Hunting Trips

    My son turns 10 next March. I would really like to take him on several hunting trips to other states along with hunting in Az. Does anyone have any suggestions on a kid friendly outfitter. I would prefer someplace that doesn't brake the bank either. I've herd thate are several places that offer free hunting trips for hogs and exotics for kids. Anyone know of such a place? Thanks, Adam
  18. Big Browns

    The lucky hat

    Great job and I hate you! I wish I could have your kind of luck! Adam
  19. Big Browns

    WTB Swarovski 10x50 or 10x42

    A friend is looking for an older pair of 10x50 or 10x42 SLC Swarovski binoculars. If you have a pair you dont need please let me know. He is trying to find a pair under $1000. I know it's a long shot, but it doesnt hurt to ask:) Adam 928-595-1554
  20. Big Browns

    Unit 22 Turkey

    Anyone have any luck in 22 Today? My wife and I cant go until tomorrow. Anyone have any advise on where to start. I have a few idea's, but nothing for sure. I hope you guys are slaying them today. Good luck. Adam
  21. Big Browns

    A few Colorado muledeer sheds

    Lets see some pictures of the 214 set! That not fair saying you found them and not posting pictures. Your a horn tease:)
  22. Big Browns

    Big Elk Set

    Nice find, but I hate you! My wife refuses to talk to me untill she finds another shed. I think it's going to be a long year on the couch:)
  23. Big Browns

    Blue Grande

    Amazing pictures!
  24. Big Browns

    shed hunting..

    Looks like you had another great day of shed hunting. Your a lucky SOB:) Adam
  25. Big Browns

    Sheds so far from this year

    Keep up the good work! The more miles you walk the better your chances of finding one or you just walk more miles:) Keep looking for that honey hole! Adam