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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Eberlestock M5 Team Elk pack

    WOW, great deal!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    I took the surrendered tag in 35a

    That's awesome, congrats!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Am I the mayor?

    Edge, I'm never going hiking with you!!! You are obviously a snake magnet. I hate snakes!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    I declined a goulds tag that was surrendered

    You made a good decision. When you wait that long you want to experience the entire hunt. Plus this year was crazy hot. Definitely not the best Turkey year!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Need Goulds tail feathers

    A friend of mine shot a Goulds today and unfortunately it's missing a few tail feathers. He would like them replaced for the mount. Does anyone have any Goulds feathers they would sell or know where I might get some?
  6. If the deal falls through, I'll take them.
  7. Big Browns

    Need Goulds tail feathers

    That would be Awesome, Thanks!!!
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Az Antelope cape

    Check out the classified section on taxidermy.net
  9. Big Browns

    Son's First Turkey!

    Great job!!!!! I love seeing kids have success!
  10. Big Browns

    Junior bird down!!!!

    Great job, Congrats!!!!
  11. Big Browns

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    I found this old canteen this last weekend. Unfortunately it didn't have any markings.
  12. Big Browns

    Turkey experts get in here please.

    In my experience Turkey's still call in the wind, we just have a difficult time hearing them. Due to that, I don't call once the wind picks up. Your best option is to sit water when it's windy! I usually drive around and check as many water sources as possible. I will usually eventually find a water source that's getting hit regularly. Once I find that water, I sit on it all day during windy days. Turkey's usually water 2 or 3 times a day. Even if they don't water, they like to feed around good water sources. If it's windy, sit water if it's calm, cover a lot of ground calling.
  13. Big Browns

    Time for America to take ACTION

    I agree we should or could have been more prepared, but I highly doubt any level of previously thought preparedness would have been enough. Seriously, who would have thought every hospital would need to have thousands of spare N95 masks? It simply wouldn't and probably still isn't practical. These types of emergencies cannot be prepared for on the large scale. We do the best we can and that's all we really can do. With today's media and the social outrage culture it was obvious mass hysteria was going to overcome the supply chain. I'm not sure what we will ultimately learn from this disaster, but I know the precedence of closing the county has been set. That's the scariest part of this whole thing for me. I hope we don't decide to close the county during every serious flu outbreak!!
  14. Big Browns

    Gunwerks G7 BR2 ballistics rangfinder

    Great deal! Great rangefinder for someone wanting to shoot/hunt long range.
  15. Big Browns

    Anyone know the family washed away in Tonto Basin?

    I honestly don't know how to feel about the charges. The Law enforcement side of me says "Manslaughter" feels harsh, but is appropriate. The father and community side of me says his family has already been punished, lets not make it worse. If the decision to charge or not to charge was up to me I would have a very difficult time deciding. I would probably loose a lot of sleep over that decision. Either way it's a tragedy and yes, it could have been prevented.
  16. Big Browns

    FN FNX 45

    These are Awesome guns!
  17. Big Browns

    SKB Case

    I purchased this from another cw member last week. I decided on a different case. It's in good condition, just needs foam. I don't have the key. It's 61 inches long by 24 inches tall. I paid $50, therefore I'm only gonna ask for $50. Located in Queen Creek
  18. Big Browns

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I thought food was considered essential?
  19. Big Browns

    SKB Case

  20. Big Browns

    FS: Scarpa boots

    Can you post a picture?
  21. Big Browns

    Recommend smith for stock work

    100% Axisworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Ready to kill bow set up FS:

    Smoking deal!
  23. Big Browns

    SKB Case

    I can definitely take a joke, just wasn't sure what it was. No harm no foul:)
  24. Big Browns

    SKB Case

    I'm very confused as to what that response has to do with my classified add???
  25. Big Browns

    Roxy Ray, she gonna be missed.

    Sorry buddy!!!