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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTT hunting AR for quality optics

    How much are you asking for the gun if you dont trade it?
  2. Big Browns

    Swarovski STS 80 20-60x80mm Spotting Scope

    Wish I had the money. That's a great price!
  3. Big Browns

    Brand New Burris Eliminator Laser Scope 4X-12X-42MM

    Just confirmed with my buddy on price. He's asking $800 or best offer. He's willing to listen to all reasonable offers or trades. Adam
  4. Big Browns

    Brand New Burris Eliminator Laser Scope 4X-12X-42MM

    I'm not exactly sure what he is looking for. Feel free to pm or call me with any offers and I will pass them to my friend. Adam 928-595-1554
  5. Big Browns

    Brand New Burris Eliminator Laser Scope 4X-12X-42MM

    Guys this a very good friend of mine. He's not a very good computer guy so please excuse the sales pitch. This is a new in box scope. I know he is very open to reasonable offers or trades. Adam
  6. Big Browns

    $25 for NRA Membership and Free $25 Bass Pro Gift Card

    I just joined! Great deal!
  7. Big Browns

    swaro 10x42 el

    That's a really good price! Good luck with the sale.
  8. Big Browns

    WTB AR-15 Heavy Barrel Upper

    My dad is looking for an AR-15 Heavy Barrel Upper. Preferably 1-7 or 1-8 twist. If you have one please let me know. Adam 928-595-1554
  9. Big Browns

    WTB AR-15 Heavy Barrel Upper

  10. Big Browns

    ++++WTS Nightforce 8-32x56 $950 shipped++++

    WOW! That's a great deal! If I had the money I would buy this. Are you looking for any trades? Adam
  11. Awesome! You da man! I went out this past weekend, but only got a couple. I still have not seen any geese! I still have not killed a Canadian! I would probably be in shock if I ever see one during season! I'm going pond jumping tonight so maybe my luck will change! Great Job! Adam
  12. Big Browns

    Pack Goats for sale

    What have you done with them while you were making a stock? Did you tie them up or have they gome with you. I wonder if Deer, Elk, Bear would even notice them or care. It would be interesting to crawl beside them to see if you could get closer:) I've seen it done with horses, I would think it would work for Goats! I wish I had the room! They are very cool!
  13. Big Browns

    AZSFW and HB2072

    Can you let us know what positive changes they have made?
  14. Big Browns

    Wyoming Antelope Application Process

    bonecollector, you can buy a bonus point in after the draw in June or July. That's what I did last year and what I will be doing again this year.
  15. Big Browns

    question for a 20% pass guru

    Does that mean that if there are 2 Antelope tags available, 1 of those tags goes to the %20 percent bonus point pool? Adam
  16. Big Browns

    wtb ebberlestock

    How much for the Blue Widow?
  17. Big Browns

    2013 started out good

    Great job!
  18. Big Browns

    Cabelas employee pricing

    when does the employee pricing sale end?
  19. Big Browns

    WTB AR-15

    Prices are Insane right now! The days of buying an AR for $600-$800 are probalby over, at liest for a while.
  20. My wife and I would like to take our kids sledding in or near Flagstaff tomorrow. Can someone tell me if there is enough snow in Flag to go sledding? Any suggestions on places to go sledding? Thanks, Adam
  21. Big Browns

    30 - tAR15's @ Sportmans Warehouse Mesa

    What did you buy and how much did you pay for it?
  22. Big Browns

    30 - tAR15's @ Sportmans Warehouse Mesa

    Anyone go to Sportsmans this morning? I bet it was a mad house!
  23. Big Browns

    Piers Morgan

    I welcome people who have different opinions other than my own. That's what makes this country so great! What I really hate is when you dont allow the other person to speak. Every time he has someone on his show that is Pro Gun Right's he constantly interupt's them or tells them they are lying about all the facts! Why cant he have a civilized conversation and agree to disagree. That would be good for our nation, but not good for T.V. Rating's!!!!!!!! I really dislike this guy!
  24. Big Browns

    Wyoming Antelope Application Process

    Flatlander, I would be very interested in putting a trip for 2014. Give me a call and we can talk about it. I might go this year, but I really don't think I will have the time or money. Adam 928-595-1554
  25. Big Browns

    WTB AR-15 Heavy Barrel Upper

    Still looking!