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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    How many BP for a Dec Hunt

    Thanks guys. I'm going to start holding out for a Dec. Hunt. I'm tired of fighting the crowds.
  2. I'm considering going on a Mexico hunt in the next few years. How much can I expect to pay? Not looking for a monster, just a fun hunt in a new place. Adam
  3. Do you have to be present for the raffle or can I buy tickets online and still have a chance to win? Adam
  4. Bought 2 tickets today. Can't wait to win some rifles:) Adam
  5. Big Browns

    AZGFD in the news #3

    x10000000 on G&F bashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sick of it!
  6. Big Browns

    Holiday at Rosey - Get'n Kids Involved

    Great job dad!
  7. Big Browns

    Personal Best Redfish (Picture Added)

    Pic please. Your killing me!
  8. Big Browns


  9. Big Browns

    My Youngest's First Fish!

    Great job! I love Big Lake!
  10. Big Browns

    The defination of a "Premium Hunt"

    A premium hunt to me is a Hunt with less pressure and animals that have not been hunted a lot. Unfortunately we dont have any premium hunts in AZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Big Browns


    Flatline X 1000
  12. Big Browns

    October Coues Hunt vs December Rut Hunt

    I agree! I also agree that most guides will and do find bigger Buck's than most hunters. If I spent my time or living in the woods I'm sure I would kill a really nice buck regardless if it was a Oct or Dec tag. I usually spend a lot of time hunting and scouting, but I will never get to spend as much time in the woods as most guides do. If most of us had 1/4 of the information that most guides have I'm sure we would be killing bigger Bucks more often. I'm not bashing guides. They work very hard and have spent their time in the woods, that's why they find quality Bucks in every hunt. All I'm saying is I fully expect most guides to find quality Bucks in most early hunts. I am usually able to do the same, but I'm not always able to spend the quality time in the woods that I want or is needed to find a quality Buck every time. You guy’s have killed some really nice Buck’s. Keep up the good work! Adam
  13. Big Browns

    Coolest set I have ever found! And the biggest single

    Awesome finds! Great job!
  14. Big Browns

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    This year I put my wife, my son and myself in for Bull Elk. My wife and my son put in for late rifle hunts. I put in for 2 early Bull Hunts. If all of us would have gotten drawn we would have paid $342. With the new proposed system I would have paid $364. With the new system my license would have been $ 6 more for my wife and I, but my son's license would have saved me $21.50. That would even out the added cost of the tag increase. Yes I would pay more if my wife and son put in for early hunts. They prefer getting drawn more often so they will only put in for late rifle hunts. I personally don’t care about the $200 for an early hunt. I understand that the cost will affect some people and probably myself, but I also understand that Hunting is not cheap and never will be. I know that when I go hunting I spend a lot more than $200 on a hunt! I personally would pay a lot more than $200 if I was guaranteed to go on a quality Elk Hunt in my own state. That’s why the $200 does not bother me. Just my .2!
  15. Big Browns

    2nd attempt at coloring sheds

    Looks great! Great Job!
  16. Big Browns

    New price increases from G&F?!?!

    I'm a little confused. How much will the Elk tags be for Junior's?
  17. Big Browns

    Left Hand .308 Ruger Scout for sale or trade

    Thats a really good deal!
  18. Big Browns

    Spring Bear hunt

    I think you will find that most if not all the tree stands are up for Deer Season. I highly doubt that you will have any problems sitting in or around their tree stands. When I put up a tree stand I am ok if someone sits in it if I'm not there. Find a water source with good sign and sit it for as many days as you can. Good Luck!
  19. Big Browns

    Over the Counter Rifle Deer Tag Question

    I'm planning on doing the same thing. I've hunted 36B several times as a left over. I still have not killed anything, but I've seen a lot of nice deer killed and I've always seen a lot of deer. The last hunt I saw over 200 deer in 4 days, all Does. The problem in 36B is there are people everywhare!!!! Call me if you want more info. Adam
  20. Big Browns

    National Geo Pic

    That's an Awesome picture and yes that would scare the crap out of me:)
  21. Big Browns

    Catch and release

    Nice fish! Great Job!
  22. Nice gun! Now you need to try a cross bow:)
  23. Big Browns

    Hit it big today!!!

    WOW! You da man! What does it score?
  24. Big Browns

    A Navajo Canyon

    Great pictures as always Doug. Great job!