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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    When is the next Banquet?

    Thanks for the Info Amanda. Do you have any more seats available for the CW Table? Do they usually have a good raffle? I wasn't able to find any info on any raffle or auction items. Adam
  2. Big Browns

    Gila River Smallies... And a few elk...

    Awesome! If you want some company next time you go give me a call. Adam
  3. Big Browns

    Beretta 92 9mm

    I'm not very familar with that gun. With that said, I think $500 seems about right. You may want to try backpage or gunbroker. Adam
  4. Big Browns

    Swarovski 15x56

    Great deal! Free bump.
  5. Big Browns

    Carp on the Fly Rod!

    I'm in. Let me know when your going again. I love catching Carp on the fly. Adam
  6. Big Browns

    looking for a fish Taxidermist

    My kids caught two really nicr fish yesterday. I would like to preserve the memories for them by getting the fish mounted. Can anyone reccomend a good fish Taxidermist? Adam
  7. I agree, the food was fantastic and everything went very smoothly. Maybe next time I won't get out bid on everything. The Antelope tag is mine next year:) Adam
  8. Big Browns

    looking for a fish Taxidermist

    Here is a picture of the fish. A 31 incher and a 18 inch Rainbow.
  9. Big Browns

    Amazing fishing day with the kids

    Thanks guys! Not really sure why it's skin was colored that way. I'm guessing old age or some type of illness. Adam
  10. Big Browns

    Mule Deer Foundation Raffles - #1

    Are there any knife sets still available?
  11. I had a great time tonight guys. Great job, can't wait for the next one! Adam
  12. Awesome, thx for the info. They will be a nice addition to my collection;)
  13. Where are all the guns?
  14. Big Browns

    200 rounds of 5.56 ammo for sale

    Sold Pending Funds!
  15. I have 4, 50 round boxes of 5.56 ammo for sale. I would like to sell or trade for a .17 hmr for my dad. Asking $100. Thanks, Adam
  16. Big Browns

    200 rounds of 5.56 ammo for sale

    I want to trade the ammo plus some cash for a .17 hmr rifle.
  17. Do you know how many people are included for the two ranch packages? Adam
  18. Big Browns

    looking for a .17 HMR

    I'm looking to buy a .17 HMR for my dad for fathers day. If you have one please let me know. I have 200 rounds of .223 ammo, small & large pistol primers that I would be willing to trade + cash. Thx, Adam
  19. Big Browns

    Free items

    Great idea!
  20. Big Browns

    Forked Again

  21. Big Browns

    Arizona Black Panther attacking a Doe

    Almost spit out my drink all over the dinner table! LOL:)
  22. Big Browns

    Oak Creek

    Your Amazing Doug! I want to tag along with you some day. You have an Amazing eye!
  23. Big Browns

    How many BP for a Dec Hunt

    22 would be my first choice. I would also consider 35a, 33 and 32. Any idea how many points it would take for those units?