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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Moved sale to other post.

    Why are you selling %85 of your Taxidermy work?
  2. Big Browns


    That is the number you call to check a Bear in and to see if the Unit is open or closed.
  3. Big Browns

    Hunter score's a trifecta this year

  4. Big Browns

    Bear Opener

    No Bears in 23S
  5. Big Browns

    2013 Elk sheds

    Great Job! It's amazing how many sheds we all miss and are still lying around waiting to be picked up.
  6. Big Browns

    Bear Opener

    I was fortunate to have killed during the Archery Hunt, but I will be taking friends every weekend until my unit closes. Bring on the HEAT!
  7. Big Browns

    WTB Benchrest rifle scope

    Never mind I found the website. The demo had already sold! Thanks
  8. Big Browns

    WTB Benchrest rifle scope

    Who is SWFA?
  9. Big Browns

    Powder availability

    Dillon's has some 4350 as well.
  10. Big Browns

    CO OTC archery elk - looking for a partner

    I love the pics! My wife would love to go shed hunting up there. I'm planning on going with you next year. Should be a lot of fun. Adam
  11. Big Browns

    WTB Benchrest rifle scope

    Thanks, but he's looking for something with more magnification. Adam
  12. Big Browns

    22N Question

    The Elk that you are seeing in the open fields, open slopes, open area's will either be dead or headed for cover. Looking for Elk in 22N is not as Important as looking for little holes that will hold Elk in November when the pressure hits. If you find something, make sure you are in a shooting position on opening morning, not a glassing position. Look for the thickest, nastiest stuff and you should be able to find some Bulls. This unit used to be Awesome! With G&F adding all the tags the past 5 years the Unit has really suffered. Pray for Rain & Snow! The more rain & snow you get, the better the hunt becomes! Feel free to pm me for more info. Adam
  13. Big Browns

    How tall?

    I would guess over 17+. Shoot, Shoot, Shoot!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I managed to get a limit of white wings on the second day of the hunt last year. I thought I had a honey hole, but it dried up after that day. It was a lot of fun. There were so many white wings. I was letting dozens of Morning Dove fly by, because there were so many White Wings. It was an Awesome day.
  15. Big Browns

    Kidso fedish

    I love the picture with the Bear's reflection in the water! I can't wait to see all the SEXY BEAR PICS! I have to get Kidso's picture our of my nightmares:) Sorry buddy, if we did'nt like ya we wouldn't poke fun at ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam
  16. Big Browns

    Coues or Muley?

    Show me the location and I will find out for you:) Good Luck, they are some really nice Buck's! Adam
  17. Big Browns

    vortex pst 6-24x50

    Just ordered a PST in 6.5-24x50 in Second Focal Plane. I wanted the FFP, but it was going to be another 6 month's before they were in stock. I was tired of waiting so I got the SFP. If I don't like it I will order the FFP later. Can't wait to start shooting. It's going on top of a new Savage 110 FCP 338 LM. I can't wait to see a Prarie Dog explode at 1000 yards:)
  18. Big Browns

    Powder availability

    Did they have any H1000? heck NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody has any!!!!!!!!! If you find some H1000 please let me know. I would be happy to split the cost with you for a 8 pound container. Adam
  19. Big Browns

    Powder availability

    Bruno's had that powder in stock an hour ago.
  20. Big Browns

    CO OTC archery elk - looking for a partner

    I'm in for next year. What has your success ratio been? I would really love to go next year with you. Adam
  21. Big Browns

    WTB Benchrest rifle scope

    Thanks goatsie!
  22. Big Browns

    looking for Bear mount idea's

    I'm considering a half mount for my recent Bear kill. I would like to see some pictures or ideas if anyone has one. Adam
  23. Big Browns

    FREE Air Conditioner

    Great deal TJ!!!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    looking for Bear mount idea's

    I did. We decided on a rug. Can't wait to see it on the wall! Adam