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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Best places to flyfish

    There's no fish in Pacheta:) I agree, Silver Creek can be an Awesome place to fish! X-Diamond ranch is another great place to fish. Adam
  2. Big Browns

    Polaris ranger back seats with roll cage

    Great deal!!!!!!!!!
  3. Big Browns

    Lots of .22 lr Ammo at Basspro

    About time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Borderland Buffalo Success!!

    That makes sence. I've never been on a Buffalo hunt so I don't really know how big they are. Great job! If you have any more pictures please post them. Adam
  5. Big Browns

    Borderland Buffalo Success!!

    I'm suprised you only got 265 pounds of meet! I would have thought you would get 800+ pounds. Sounds like you had a great time! I'm hoping to go on a Buffalo hunt very soon. Adam
  6. Big Browns

    East texas ferrel hogs

    +1 How much did the hunt cost you? Where did you go?
  7. Big Browns

    Best places to flyfish

    Catching Suckers on the Salt & Verde River is a blast!!!!!! There are plenty of them and they are fairly easy to catch. Plus they pull hard! Adam
  8. Big Browns

    Best places to flyfish

    How much time do you have? I would suggest Lee's Ferry & the White Mountains. The White Mountains has a lot of streams and lakes to fish. You can catch Browns, Rainbows, Apache's, Grayling, Cutthroat, Brookie's, Pike, Large Mouth & Small Mouth Bass. The White Mountains has Awesome fishing!!!! Adam
  9. Big Browns

    WTB Dillon XL 650

  10. Big Browns

    WTB Dillon XL 650

    As soon as I find a 650 I will be selling my 550. n2horns your welcome to come over and load some 45. I have my machine set for 9mm & 45.
  11. Big Browns


    I'm very jealous of Stomp and speedy's reloading rooms!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Touching story

    WOW! That's a great story and a more amazing young man! I'm not crying, I have something in my eye:) Thank you very much for posting that story.
  13. Let's see the pictures of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Big Browns

    Lifesize Black Bear

    Very COOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    WTB Dillon XL 650

    Ya, I would like to find a reasonable deal on a used one.
  16. Big Browns

    WTB H1000 & Retumbo

  17. Big Browns

    WTB H1000 & Retumbo

    If you have any please let me know. Adam
  18. Big Browns

    WTB Dillon XL 650

  19. Big Browns

    FIRST BROWN SET OF 2014!!!!

    Thats an Awesome set!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    FIRST BROWN SET OF 2014!!!!

    Great Job! I'm very Jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Big Browns

    Bear Help!!!

    There are no Bears in 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    I need some help!!

    Voted!!!! Gotta love the Big Browns!!!!!!!!
  23. Big Browns

    WTB Berger 338 Bullets

    From what I understand is the OTM have a thicker jacket. My gun doesn't like them, but loves the vld.
  24. Big Browns

    WTB Berger 338 Bullets

    Looking for some 300 grain 338 bullets. Please let me know if you have any. Thanks! Adam