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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. It was a slow day for my wife and I. We saw 4 and killed 3. Really only hunted for about 4 hours, but DEFINITELY slower than last year! I season them with regular hamburger seasoning and grill them up. Always delicious!!! We did see a stud Muley Buck in full velvet!
  2. Big Browns

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    Freaking Awesome!!!!!
  3. I season them with regular hamburger seasoning and grill them up. Always delicious!!!
  4. Tracy and I are going camping this weekend with the intent to hunt bear and squirrels. I'll let you know how it goes.
  5. Big Browns

    Oversized Cutting Boards

    I have one of these as well. It's perfect for putting together a lot of BBQ items!!!!
  6. Big Browns

    Hail Mary Elk Hunt

    Huge congratulations!!!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Savage 17HMR-SOLD

    Great deal!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Elk Rut

    Congrats again Cody!!! That was an amazing morning!!!!
  9. 4 at once happens all the time in my line of work. Sounds like they got a batch laced with some bad stuff. I feel bad for all those who had already paid for and waiting to board for the next trip!
  10. Big Browns

    .264 Win mag-SOLD

  11. Big Browns

    Loyalty Point

  12. Big Browns

    Best Tripod for the money???

    The Manfrotto 290 is Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    SOLD - WTS - Dillon Square Deal B - Reloader - SOLD

    Great deal on the 650!!!!!!
  14. I had a great time hunting the farm today with Chris! The flights were definitely slower than opening day, but I still got a limit and a few Eurasians. The wild game washing bucket cuts the cleaning time in half. I'll never clean birds without one again!!!!
  15. My wife and I had a great time dove hunting last night. We didn't limit, but we really enjoyed the cool weather. She made some great shots. The sun looked amazing through all the smoke. I'm already looking forward to September 1st 2021.
  16. Big Browns

    Dec Elk - need a jacket

    100% go with a puffy jacket. Much warmer and lighter!!!! I have several, but my primary for super cold is the under armour super down.
  17. Big Browns

    AZ Rifle Antelope

    Great job Keith!!!!!
  18. I finally convinced my wife to go Dove hunting with me after 9 years of being Married. After she got her limit on her first time out she's officially hooked. We went out again tonight and she got another limit. Maybe now I can talk her into a guided Pheasant hunt:)
  19. I hunted the hay bales today. It was REALLY slow, but managed to shoot 15 Eurasians and 7 morning dove. I did my best to poach as many birds as possible from sharp shooter Lance:)
  20. Big Browns

    My 12 year old sons 2020 Archery Coues

    WOW, very impressive!!!! I'm really jealous!!!!
  21. A friend of mine is looking to take 4 wounded vets dove hunting on his private ranch in Buckeye on September 5th. If you know of a vet who was wounded in the line of service please contact me. We are specifically looking for vets who don't get the opportunity to get out and who would greatly benefit from spending some time in the outdoors. Food, license, ammo will be provided. Adam 480-243-4138