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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    pulled my sd card this morning

    Looks like a cool spot. Have you tried digging a hole to allow more water to seep in? Adam
  2. Big Browns

    Draw results

  3. To be honest, I don't feel G&F should allow him to surrender the tag. Before you get upset let me explain. G&F does not currently have any policy that allows for tag surrender with points being returned. It would not be fair for all those people who have had similar situations in the past. I signed the petition, because I feel horrible for anyone this happens to. I hope enough people sign the petition to get G&F to think about these issues and write Policy that includes tag surrender with points being returned. Adam Again I would be more than willing to help out as much as possible to ensure you get a Bull.
  4. Big Browns

    Gayest elk ever. .

    I think I'm offended:)
  5. Big Browns

    Another day another inch of rain on the rim

    Thank God, we really need it!
  6. Big Browns

    Son got his bull back

    What's the score?????
  7. I have signed it. Why can't you sit water? I know you may not be able to get to some of the best spots, but at the same time some of the best spots are right off a road. I'm sure if you are patient you would be able to kill a nice Bull off water. If G&F doesn't give your tag back(highly likely) I would be doing everything I can to make sure I'm in the field in some manner. If you need help packing out a Bull I would be more than willing to help out. I can be there in 4 hours. Good Luck! Adam
  8. Big Browns

    Draw results

    I agree, I think it will be next week
  9. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    SPF again
  10. I have a McMillan A2 Remington 700 short action Varmit Coutour BDL stock for sale. It has a few scratches, but its still in great working condition. $400 or trade for a nice stock for a Savage rifle. Adam
  11. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    I'm actually really happy the guy backed out, because I could tell he was going to be a real pain in the @$$. He was obviously from another site, because CW Members are alwasy easy to deal with....... Adam
  12. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    Seller backed out. Back up for sale.....
  13. Big Browns

    WTS MEC 9000 28ga.

    I'll take the hulls if you decide to sell seperately. Adam
  14. Big Browns

    NIB Kowa Highlanders

    Thanks for the support guys! I would LOVE to buy these, but I can't quite get there. These are Amazing glass!!!!!! I want, I want, I want!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    NIB Kowa Highlanders

  16. Big Browns

    Savage Mark II Thumb Hole Stock 22 for sale

    $350 with the scope or $250 without. Adam
  17. I have a Savage Mark II with a thumb hole stock 22 for sale. The gun comes with a Vortex Crossfire 6-18x44 scope & a 10 round magazine. $400 Adam
  18. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    TTT any offers? Trades? Adam
  19. Big Browns

    Item found in Unit 27

    Amazing! Class Act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    I took the stock to McMillan this morning and got some info. The stock is an A2, Varmit, BDL. I'm not sure what it weigh's because my scale sucks! They said it sells for $630 new. Hope that clears things up! Adam
  21. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    Since I have no idea what I really have, I'm going to take the stock to McMillan on Monday to find out. I'll update the add as soon as I find out. Adam
  22. Big Browns

    McMillan Remington 700 Stock "UPDATED"

    Im not sure. Feel free to give me a call with any questions. Adam 928-595-1554