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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Bulgaria Makarov for sale

    Yes it's a 9x18 & it shoots 9mm. I thought it was a 9mm, but later found out it shoots 380. I'm not very familar with the 9x18.
  2. Big Browns


    I did this to a friend of mine a few years ago. I didn't get drawn for 2 years after that. I will never joke about draw results again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karma will get you..........................
  3. They make it sound like the adding a hunter is a huge savings, but it's still the regular price. Sounds like fun though.
  4. Have you called them?
  5. If you decide to go let me know. I would love to go with you. Adam
  6. Big Browns

    Draw results

    As hard as it is to get drawn, I don't blame anyone who uses the system to get a tag. If the system allows it, I don't have any issue with it. It's the same for everyone. Just my 2 cents..............
  7. Big Browns

    Shoot or Pass???

    Shoot, Shoot, Shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Big Browns

    Muzzle Brake & Gunsmith

    That's cause your a wuss and can't handle a 338! Ha Ha Ha. Yes I will admit I'm a wussy!!! Thanks for pointing it out:)
  9. Big Browns

    Muzzle Brake & Gunsmith

    I had Phoenix Customs put the Fat Bastard on my Savage 338 Lapua. It really helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Big Browns


    I know how you feel. Wrap it up next time:)
  11. Big Browns

    Draw results

    Come on leftover list:) It's sad when your excited to see the leftover list and not the draw results:(
  12. Big Browns

    Idiots are still out (huge fire)

    Great info, Thanks!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Idiots are still out (huge fire)

    Any know andy details about this fire?????
  14. I've never herd of one in the Payson area. there are a lot of really cool restaurants & stores in the Payson, Strawberry, Pine area that are really fun to explore.
  15. Big Browns

    Where is Kidso when I need him.....

    That is a really really nice cinnamon!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Fighting Jackals

    Very nice!!!!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Brass for sale

    All once fired brass. Mostly from me, but some range brass.
  18. Big Browns

    WTB Primos Trigger stick

    I'm looking for a used tripod primos trigger stick for sale. If you have one please let me know. Adam
  19. Big Browns

    Brass for sale

    Mixed head stamp
  20. Big Browns

    Grizzlies in az, anybody see this?

    I would love to hunt Grizzly Bear, but this is a horrible idea. What happens when we have a reintroduced Grizzly kill someone????? We have plenty of Bears in the Gila.
  21. Big Browns

    Coatimundi in Superstition Mountains

    That's a great video. I've seen them in Payson.
  22. Big Browns

    Ranger 800 crew cab 4x4

    WOW! Great price....
  23. That's a beautifull gun
  24. I think we all want to see 300ultramag kill a great Bull. Hopefully the petition will give G&F enough of a push to put this type of situation into Policy for future hunters. Maybe a bunch of us could help carry him around the woods like an egyption king. That would be a site to see in the woods:) Adam
  25. Big Browns

    WTB Long Board for Daughter

    I was able to buy 2 long boards for my kids on craigslist really cheap. Good Luck! Adam