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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    WTB Gun Safe

  2. Big Browns

    Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf for sale UPDATED

    Rifle is SPF. Thanks azbowhunter357!
  3. I'm selling a Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf. It has a scope, redding dies, reloaded ammo & 300 pieces of brass. $1300. I will have pictures up tomorrow. Adam
  4. This forum is exactly what I need! I really need to get off my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the past couple of years I have become increasingly LAZY!!!! I reall want to start working out, but I have very little drive to continue to work out. I would really like to find a work out buddy who lives in my area. I really don't have the money for a gym membership right now, but I do have a HOA gym that we could use or jog, hike the local hills. If you interested please send me a message. Maybe we could get a local CW work out group going. Thanks, Adam
  5. Big Browns

    Taurus .357 magnum

    What model?
  6. Big Browns

    Can you please help me with unit 10?

    Do you have the money to hire a guide? That's an Amazing tag to waist on a small Bull. Don't get me wrong, if your happy with it great. If you truely want a big bull a guide would be a great option if your unable to scout your @$$ off. If you can't go please consider donating the tag to one of the hunt of a lifetime organizations we have in Az. That way a deserving kid can have the option to go on an Amazing hunt!!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Couple of Kills This Week

    Very nice! What sound did you use?
  8. Big Browns

    Happy Birthday Southernexpress

    Happy birthday Old Man:)
  9. Big Browns

    Crossbow Hunting?

    Anyone using a crossbow? I'm interested in buying a crossbow for some Antelope hunting out of state. Can any of the modern crossbow's shoot accurately past 100 yards or is that asking to much? If so what brand or model is recommended. Thanks! Adam
  10. Just wondering if anyone is using the Trophy Ridge React One Sight? If so, how do you like it? Is it as accurate at caculating the ranges as the company says it is? Thanks! Adam
  11. Big Browns

    Remington 700 vls/Nightforce PRICE DROP

    If you sell the gun I might be interested in the scope. Adam
  12. Big Browns

    *Monster Goat in the Dirt* 2014 Antelope Hunt

    Good luck shooting it this weekend! I know how frustrating sighting in a rifle can be!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Fitness Event for a Cause

    I'm not sure if I can make it to the event, but I will be donating a toy to the cause. Sorry for your loss! Adam
  14. Big Browns

    candidate for san diego 'photo of the year'

    She can rip my Heart out any day!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Range Snap - great product and created by forum member!

    yes, I have......no interference.....that's what its made for....to work with a bino harness and pack. +2
  16. Big Browns

    Range Snap - great product and created by forum member!

    I've used this product for a few years. It's Awesome! It's perfect for Archery hunting!
  17. Big Browns

    Got My "First" Bear

    Great Bear! Congrats!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    WMAT Turkey

    Amazing pictures Doug! I love Pacheta falls! I've caught some nice fish in that area!
  19. Big Browns

    Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf for sale UPDATED

    I'm getting the gun from my neighbor tonight. I will post pictures as soon as I get it.
  20. Big Browns

    leftover deer tags gone

    They only take the $13 on the leftover if you receive a tag. Otherwise they send the check back to you un-cashed.
  21. Big Browns

    Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf for sale UPDATED

    I'm actually selling this for my Neighbor. He bought it because he could:) I think it was intended for Law Enforcement Breach & Clearing buildings. I think it would be a great Az Bear round for close range Bear calling. I've shot it a few times. It always puts a smile on your face:)
  22. Big Browns

    Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf for sale UPDATED

    It's a complete gun, dies, brass & some re-loaded ammo. The gun is in PERFECT condition. Adam
  23. My buddy & I are planning on putting in for the Sand Hill Crane hunt. We know nothing about hunting them. Does anyone know of a guide service we could hire. Thanks! Adam