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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Draysen's First Hunt

    Great job guys! That's an Awesome Buck! Cody & Will really know there stuff!!!! Congrats!
  2. Big Browns

    Found Backpack in 34A

    Great job guys!
  3. Big Browns

    Found Backpack in 34A

    He was in 3c
  4. Big Browns

    Help a college student with his class

    35 Male 5+ 10-20 over. Usually in 55 or 65 mph zones $150-$250
  5. Big Browns

    Big Browns post up some pics and a story.

    I already posted the story on the Antelope forun. Solo wyoming antelope hunt. I will be camping next year. I only did yhe hotel this year, because I was told it would be cheap. They were wrong:) Adam
  6. Big Browns

    Wtb made coon dog

    If you find one let me know. I really want to get a coon. Adam
  7. Big Browns

    Lost an AZ Legend

    Very sorry for your loss!!!!!!!!!! God Bless..................
  8. For the past several years I’ve been dreaming about going on an Antelope hunt. This past spring Casey (CW Member firstcoueswas80) & I had decided to go to Wyoming on our first Antelope hunt. Fortunately Wyoming draw results come out after Arizona’s draw results. Casey found out he drew an early unit 9 tag. Wyoming allows you to withdraw your application for a small fee (about $100). Casey was now unfortunately unable to go on the trip. I was a little disappointed, but I completely understood. I would have done the same thing. I found out a short time later that I was drawn for Buck & Doe Antelope in Wyoming. I was also lucky enough to get a left over Buck tag in the same unit. If everything worked out I would be able to get 4 Antelope on my first Antelope hunting trip. Over the past several month’s I’ve been ordering maps, talking to a lot of people about Wyoming, Looking at Google earth, etc…. Thankfully I had a LOT of help from CW member Clifton. Without his help I would not have been able to get it done. His help was a huge reason I was successful in Wyoming. Clifton offered to show me around the unit and possibly go on the hunt with me depending on his work schedule. After several months of planning opening day was just a few days away. The day before the trip I got an oil change, new brakes & tires. My plan was to spend the first night at my best friend Jim’s house in Kingman (CW Member jim). I would drive to Clifton’s house in Northern Utah the next day. My hunt started on Wednesday the 15th. My plan was to leave on Friday the 10th so I could get a few days of scouting. I was not very productive at work on FridayJ I was really anxious to get home and on the road. I left work around 2pm. With my truck already packed I was on my way. This was the beginning of my ADVENTURE! As soon as I got on the highway I noticed my truck was shacking. After about 20 minutes of driving I was sure it was because my tires were not balanced properly. I was able to stop by a tire shop right as they were closing in Wickenburg. There was a really nice young man closing down the shop. I told him about my problem and he also thought it was a balance problem. He didn’t have much time, but was able to balance the front tires for me. We both thought that would be enough. Thank fully it solved most of the problem, but the truck still had a small shake to it. I was in a hurry to get to my friends house in Kingman so I didn’t worry about it. As I continued my trip I realized the back tires really needed to be balanced as well. That would have to wait until the morning when I could get to a tire shop. I was really relieved when I arrived at Jim’s house. After a few slices of Pizza (actually I ate the whole pizza myselfL) we got some sleep. We got up early for a great breakfast at Cracker-barrel in Kingman. After breakfast my plan was to have my tires fixed. The first place open was Wal-Mart at 7:30. We were in line early and thought I would be back on the road by 8. I was WRONG!!!! It took Wal-Mart almost 2 hours to get the tires balanced. That was INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was just the start of my ADVENTURE. I was really pissed, but I was really happy to get back on the road. My plan was to get to Clifton’s house early enough so we could go Duck hunting that evening. After a long 8 hour drive through Arizona, Nevada & most of Utah I made it to Clifton’s house around 4:30pm. After getting my license we were ready for an evening Duck hunt with Clifton, his son and Brother in law. I’m used to hunting Duck’s in Arizona. In an evening we might see a dozen birds. That evening we only shot 1 time, but I saw dozen’s of birds. I thought it was Awesome! They were not impressed, but humored me anywayJ We headed to his house for an Amazing dinner his wife made for us. She makes great ribs!!!!!! The next morning Clifton & I headed to Idaho for a morning Deer hunt. Clifton had a general rifle Deer tag that he still hadn’t filled. We hiked into a beautiful basin. I got to see some amazing country, but unfortunately we didn’t see any Buck’s. We headed back early so we could go on another evening Duck hunt. This again proved to be another ADVENTURE! When we got the boat loaded Clifton noticed a few problems with the motor, but after some McGivering he got the boat ready. We loaded up and off we went. We got out a little late, but we still found a great spot. After only being there for a few minutes we got our first shots. We missed! This proved to be the norm for us. I think we both shot 2 boxes of shells that night with very little to show for it. We had birds coming in every 15-30 minutes. It was AMAZING! We both sucked at shooting, but we both agreed it was the best Duck hunt we had had in a very long time. I ended up with 3 and Clifton got 5. As the last shots were fired we collected our Ducks and ATTEMPTED to start the motor to head back. That’s when everything went wrongL the motor would not start. Thankfully Clifton is a lot more mechanical than I am. He tried a few things and finally figured out it was a dead battery. We were several miles back in the marsh. Thankfully there was a road about 600 yards away. The water was only about 2 feet deep and Clifton had the only pair of wadersJ. He proceeded to push the boat while I attempted to row or pole push us to the road. After a long push we made it to the road. Thankfully we met some really nice people who gave Clifton a ride to his truck. We were able to get a new battery from his truck and off we went. That was a really long night. Once we got the boat loaded we laughed all the way home. We sucked at shooting and the boat sucked, but what an Adventure! The next morning I headed to Wyoming. Clifton’s work schedule had unfortunately changed so he was unable to make the trip. I was going SOLO. After a few hours into my trip my ADVENTURE continued. My phone’s GPS decided to stop working or at least only worked when it wanted to. This really, really, really sucked! I didn’t have any maps of the route to Casper. Thankfully I was able to get the phone to work a little to figure out how to get there. I didn’t realize until that moment how much I really rely on my phone. I really hate my phone! I made it into Casper by 2pm. About that time I got a call from Clifton to let me know I left all my Wyoming topo maps on his kitchen table. I was not happyJ I stopped into the Casper G&F office to see if they had any maps and to have them check my licenses. Unfortunately they didn’t have any maps. They said it wasn’t in their region even though the unit was only 30 minutes away. I asked the lady to make sure my tags are correct. She said yes, but the tags I have are a little different than what they print out. What? Then she told me that each office prints the tags differently! I told her that was the craziest & dumbest thing I have ever heard. She just looked at me and said that’s how we do it in Wyoming! I really didn’t care, but I thought it was weird. She said I could get BLM maps at the local BLM office. Unfortunately they were closed on the holiday and didn’t open until the next day. I attempted to locate a sporting goods store on my phone, but again my GPS would not work. Try finding your way around town without a map. It’s not fun! I finally made it to a Dick’s sporting goods store. When I got to the hunting/gun counter I asked the lady where her maps of the area are. She said they don’t sell any maps. I was shocked! I asked where there was another local sporting goods store. She didn’t know. What? Then another customer said there was one about 10 miles from there. I got directions and headed that way. As I was leaving the parking lot I saw a sign that said “Sportsman’s warehouse” across the street. I was relieved and pissed at the same time. How could you not know there was a sportsman’s warehouse across the street? As I walked into Sportsman’s I asked if they had any BLM maps for the area I needed. They said “NO”. What? They were all sold out. Well at least they had them. I asked where I could find one. She said the local flying J gas station should have them. Again I was shocked! How could the flying J have the maps and Sportsman’s not. When I arrived at the flying J I asked the clerk if they had any blm maps. That’s when things got weird. The clerk was about 22 years old and talked like he came straight from the beach. “Dude, I don’t know man, Hey brah lets look around man. Sorry brah, we don’t have any those map things Dude”. I didn’t say a word. I just turned around and walked back to my truck. A dull knife across my wrist would have been less painful and irritating than going through that again. At this point I stopped caring about the maps and wanted to find a hotel. This was another ADVENTURE! Keep in mind that I was told hotels in Wyoming/Casper would be cheap. I was expecting to find some hotels for $50 a night. Well, I was WROOOOOONG! The first hotel I went to was a super 8. When I walked in I asked what their cheapest room was for 3-5 nights. They said it would be $95 a night! WHAT? Seriously, how much? “Sir, its $95 a night”! Then they said that was a really good price for the area. I laughed and walked out. That proved to be the cheapest room I could find for an hour. Some places were $110 a night. I thought I might be in the “twilight zone”. I finally found a room at a Motel 6 for $72 a night. Still really expensive! At that point I didn’t care. I just wanted to go scouting! I finally made it to my unit around 4pm. I got a couple of hours of scouting before dark. In that time I found 4 Bucks I would have shot. I also found a really nice dead Buck. Most likely from the Archery hunt a few weeks back. I wasn’t sure of the laws in Wyoming, so I left the head. I had a great plan for where to spend the next day of scouting. The next day I found a few more areas and a few more Bucks. About an hour before dark I found several Bucks in an area I thought would have less people. I was really excited to have a solid plan for opening day. Opening day I arrived to my spot about 2 hours before sun up. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to claim my parking spot early. As the sun crept up I started hiking into where I thought the goats would be. When I got to my spot they were all gone. Instead of hiking back to the truck I decided to keep hiking in to see if I could find any more goats. Thankfully I found a group. The bad thing was they were on the boarder of public & private land. I had to get closer to find out. I worked up a creek bottom to where I thought they would be. My plan worked to good. I had hiked in past them and came up the hill behind them. As I hiked up they spotted me. They were only 100 yards away. I tried to figure out if they were on public, but I couldn’t tell on the GPS. I still needed to get a little closer. I moved a little too fast and spooked them. I was really disappointed! I had a long 3-4 mile hike back to the truck. After getting back to the truck I wanted to explore an area of the unit I hadn’t been to yet. Every time I would get to a section of public I would hike in to look for goats. I figured this would eventually pay off. I eventually found another heard, but again they were right on the edge of private. This time I met another hunter who was looking at the same heard. We decided to team up. After a long hike we were within 100 yards of the goats. He was lucky enough to get a shot on a nice Goat. I tried to get a shot on the bigger buck, but he wouldn’t stop running. After helping him get his goat out and a few pictures I was on my way to find more spots. About 2 hours later (about 3pm), I decided to slow down and glass a little more carefully. The wind was blowing 10-30 mph. I thought the animals should still be in the public land sections, but might be staying bedded longer due to the wind. This proved to be a great decision. As soon as I started glassing slower I started to pick up more Antelope. I found several does, but I really didn’t want to shoot a doe until I got both my Buck’s down. I kept glassing hoping to find some Bucks. A few minutes later I found a large herd walking over a ridge into a public land section. A short time later I was hiking in to find them. After a 1 mile hike into the basin I was able to locate the Antelope. I really hit the jack pot, because there were almost 100 Antelope in this basin. I found several shooter Bucks. I located 1 specific Buck I wanted to shoot. He was a little too far so I started looking around to find a way to get closer. That’s when I saw more Antelope directly below me. There was a Buck bedded only 275 yards away. After getting set up I checked the range and the wind. The wind was all over. It was blowing 8-30 mph. It was crazy! I waited for the wind to calm down a little and pulled the trigger. The Buck never moved. I had just killed my first Antelope Buck! I was really, really, really excited. After the shot I realized the other Antelope didn’t know what had happened. They kept feeding. That’s when I decided to shoot my second Buck. I ranged him and dialed the turrets for wind and elevation. This is when hunting by yourself SUCKES! Unfortunately I missed 5 times on the same Buck! I couldn’t tell if I was high low or right or left. Finally on the 5th shot I saw the bullet hit just right. That’s when I realized I had dialed too much wind. I didn’t take into account that I was high and the Buck was low in a valley not getting much wind. I fired 1 more shot and I thought I hit the Buck back behind the last rib. I tried to get another shot, but he walked into a cut where I couldn’t see him. I hiked down to the first Buck to get the process started. When I put my hands on my first Antelope for the first time I was really thankful. This was an Amazing moment! I took a few pictures and started processing the Buck. Unfortunately the Buck had a really bad wound on his right side. I wasn’t sure what it was, but after skinning him I found a puncture wound. Not sure, but maybe from a fight or an arrow. After getting the Buck strapped to my pack I took the gun and walked over to where I last saw the 2nd Buck. As I walked into the cut I found all the other Antelope bedded down in the cut. Since I wasn’t sure of the shot I decided to not spook all the other Antelope in hopes my 2nd Buck would stay there and pass away. I walked back to my 1st Buck and started hiking out. My pack was really heavy. The pack out took me 1 ½ hours to get out. It sucked, but I was still really high on adrenaline. I really didn’t care, because I had my first Antelope. Awesome experience! On the drive out I came across some guys who had a flat tire. They had a spare, but the spare would not come loose from the underneath of the truck. I guess it is a common problem with Chevy’s. I asked if they needed a ride into town. They were really, really appreciative. They told me 4-5 other people had stopped, but nobody had offered to help them out. This amazed me! I was exhausted, but I couldn’t leave someone out there. As we loading the flat tire into my truck I told the guys they should hike up that hill to see if they can find some Antelope. They didn’t really seem too interested, until I took my binoculars and spotted a group of Antelope on Public land across the road. As I was driving their friend to town they were stalking some Antelope. I dropped him off at his camp and thankfully his wife was waiting with a plate full of delicious pulled pork sandwiches and homemade cowboy cookies. It was delicious! I made it back to the hotel late, but it was worth it and it was just another ADVENTRUEJ The next day I was packed and headed out to find my 2nd Buck. I hiked into the cut early. As I hiked in I found all the other Antelope in the same spots from the day before. I could have easily killed 3-4 more Bucks and does as I walked in. I was really confident I would find my 2nd Buck. I fully expected to find him around the corner. As I walked into the cut my heart sunk as I didn’t see anything. I continued walking around for 3-4 hours with no sign. I was heart broke! I was positive I had hit the Buck, but after not finding him I started seriously questioning if I had actually hit him. The whole time I was walking around looking for my Buck there was another Buck that kept following me. Yes, he was following me. Every time I would come around a hill, he would be there looking at me. Every time I would see him I would talk to him. I would say “ you’re lucky I’m still looking for my Buck”, “If you keep following me I’m going to kill you”, “I’m not sure how much longer I can keep my finger off the trigger”, “if you are smart you really should leave”. This went on for 3 hours. Finally I made some phone calls to some friends and wife to ask what I should do. I HATE it when people shoot an animal, can’t find it and shoot another. I have really worked hard to not be one of those people. With no sign of an actual hit or the animal I started thinking or doubting if I had actually hit the 2nd Buck. After several phone calls everyone kept telling me I had done everything I could do and to kill the other Buck. I was concerned it would not be ethical to kill anther Buck. Finally I decided to leave the decision to my wife. As soon as I asked her she said “shoot”! Decision made. I walked over to the ridge, layed the gun down and crawled up the ridge. I ranged him at 201 yards. I pulled the trigger and the Buck ran over the hill. I was very confused! It didn’t sound like a hit. After a few minutes I walked over the ridge to find him laying dead 100 yards away. I had just killed my 2nd Buck! I was really excited! This Buck was a little smaller than the first, but he had a really nice hide. I’m planning on putting his hide on the first Buck for a mount. After taking some pictures I started processing the animal. If you have processed an animal by yourself you know how difficult it can be. This was a pain in the butt. My back was killing me. I finally got everything packed and ready for the long hike out. I could barely lift the pack up. Easily 100 + pounds. I got it on my back and started walking. I could only go 20-30 yards before I had to stop. I’m really, really, really, really out of shape! I need a work out partner in Queen CreekJ I normally take a bunch of water with me, but for some reason on this trip I only took 2 bottles. Half way back I really regretted that decision. I must have drank 4 bottles when I finally made it to my truck. I made it back around 12:45 and was on the road by 1. Now I got to enjoy an 18 hour drive back to Queen Creek by myself! This SUCKED!!!!!! I still had 2 doe tags I could use, but decided I was happy with my Bucks and didn’t need to kill any Doe’s. They were everywhere so it wouldn’t have been much of a challenge. At this point you would think my ADVENTURES would be over. So did I. I was wrong! When I started driving I had decided to drive to Grand Junction Colorado and stop for the night. I got to Grand Junction around 7 that night. I decided to continue for another couple hours to Moab, Utah. When I rolled into Moab I was dreaming of a hot tub, Beer, Shower & Steak. In that orderJ The first hotel I came to said they were full. I really didn’t think much about this, because it was Thursday night. I shouldn’t have a problem finding a room on a Thursday, right? Again, I was WRONG! Every single hotel, shack, room, broom closet was taken for the night. Apparently there was a marathon that next day so all the hotels were booked. I was extremely tired and disappointed. I called my best friend Jim to help me find a hotel in a neighboring town. I would have used my phone, but again the internet and gps refused to work. After another couple of hours of driving I found a small town with several vacancy signs. I was really excited. That’s until I walked up to the lobby door to find a closed until morning sign on all the doors. Again, I thought I was in the “twilight zone”! At this point I was 5 hours from Flagstaff. I decided to just continue to Flagg. About 15 minutes later I found myself driving on the side of the road with no idea how I got there. I realized then I would be sleeping in the truck. I slept like a baby! I made it home around noon on Friday. My first Antelope/Wyoming hunting trip had finally come to a close. My Adventure was finally over! I would like to say a huge thanks to my wife for being understanding. Let’s be honest, for allowing me to goJ My best friend Jim for allowing me to stay at his place and for giving me directions on the phone. I would like to say a huge thanks to Clifton for giving me a place to stay for 2 nights and giving me a lot of info about the unit. Thanks!
  9. Big Browns


    Love it! Trophy in my book.
  10. Big Browns

    Wyo freak

    Very cool! Congrats!
  11. Big Browns

    Any advice with Wyoming antelope hunt guides?

    And be sure to where an Orange hat or vest;)
  12. Big Browns

    Any advice with Wyoming antelope hunt guides?

    You can get a card for your GPS for individual states that will tell you what unit your in and if you are on state, blm or private land. It's a must for hunting Wyoming.
  13. Big Browns

    Guns for sale

    S&W 45 sold
  14. Big Browns

    Any advice with Wyoming antelope hunt guides?

    I just got back from Wyoming. If you have a gps with the Wyoming card, willing to hike and not looking for a monster you don't need a guide. Especially for does. If you still concerned, just start buying points. In 2-3 years you can draw a unit with plenty of public land. Adam
  15. Big Browns

    Beautiful Bear Roast

    That looks Amazing!!!!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    Guns for sale

  17. Big Browns

    Colorado Bull Elk

    Very nice, Congrats!
  18. Big Browns

    what unit question, quiz

    Most the 36's should have leftovers
  19. Sunday was our family's 3rd annual Squirrel hunt. This year was our best so far. Both my son's were able to get their personal best of 3 each on Sunday. My wife also shot her first Squirrel. Both my kids were allowed to drive for thier first time on a dirt road(they loved it). All in all it was a great weekend. This has become one of my favorite hunts of the year.
  20. Big Browns

    Wyoming trip Part 2

    Great Job guys! Congrats!
  21. Big Browns

    15lb Brown Trout

    Now that's a big brown. Gotta love monster Brown trout! Adam
  22. Big Browns

    Guns for sale

  23. Big Browns

    WTB .280 Brass

    How do you like the caliber? I'm thinking about getting the same gun built. Adam