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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    BBQ Grill for sale

    $50. Works great!
  2. Big Browns

    BBQ Grill for sale

    SPF to Stanley
  3. Big Browns

    Patio Chairs

    I have 2 really nice patio chairs for sale. They recline into two different positions. Very nice condition. Located in Queen Creek. $50 each. Text is best 928-595-1554
  4. Big Browns

    Wife’s 2021 javelina

  5. Big Browns

    Kim divorce

  6. Big Browns

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    Thanks for that meme. It made me LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great start to a Thursday morning:)
  7. Big Browns


    I have the same spotter. It's Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sold my Swarovski 80HD to get this one after looking through a friends Meopta.
  8. Big Browns

    Tonto National Forest Stage III in effect. (Closed)

    Anyone know if 4 peaks is open yet?
  9. Awesome gun! Mine shoots really tight groups at 800 yards!
  10. Big Browns

    Free Eberlestock Just one pack

    Missing some buckles and has a few tears. Free to someone in need of a pack. First to call or text gets it. Located in Queen Creek. Adam 928-595-1554
  11. Big Browns

    Free Eberlestock Just one pack

    Pack is spoken for.
  12. Big Browns

    Free kids bow

    Free Diamond Atomic kids bow. It will need the string put back on. Located in Queen Creek. Text or call if you want it. Adam 928-595-1554
  13. Big Browns

    Free kids bow

    Back up for grabs. Text or call if you want it.
  14. Big Browns

    Free kids bow

    Bow is spoken for. Thanks.
  15. Big Browns

    Salvaged velvet muley euro

    Yep. I've been mounting a few ducks & Javelina for friends. It's been a lot of fun learning a new skill.
  16. Big Browns


    Bad butt gun!!!
  17. Big Browns

    Salvaged velvet muley euro

    Thanks for the compliments. I had a lot of fun working on this project. I had never applied artificial velvet before so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. Overall, I'm EXTREMELY pleased with the results!
  18. Big Browns

    Recommend a guide for 22

    Chris, call me and I'll give you a bunch of spots.
  19. Big Browns

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    OMG, best picture ever!!!! I'm seriously going to frame this and put it in my office!!!!!
  20. Big Browns

    Need Handyman

    What type of things do you need done?
  21. Big Browns

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    Yep, it's been shouldered. Doesn't change the classification of the gun as a pistol.
  22. Big Browns

    Points Question

    I always use what I currently have.
  23. Big Browns

    2021 Muzzleloader javelinas

    Nice job, congrats!!!
  24. Big Browns

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    It's not a "shoulder mounted pistol". It an AR pistol...... No such thing as a "shoulder mounted pistol". I understand you may not like or agree with the law or G& F regulations, but why the hate for a 100% legal usage? Seriously, how rude!!!!!
  25. Big Browns

    Wife and I doubled yesterday

    100% Correct. In case anyone else didn't already know, AR Pistols are designed to be shot with a single hand. Therefore, they are 100% legal to use during HAM hunts in Az.