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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    ND browns, first trip of the year!

    I officially hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Big Browns

    New 6.5 SLR Build

  3. Big Browns

    family day

    Great Job! Love the AR in the picture!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Fly Fishing New Mexico in the winter

    WOW! Nevfer fished the Rio Grande. Is the pike fishing pretty good there? That's an Awesome fish!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Animas River winter trip

    I cant believe you didn't catch anything on such a nice piece of water. Beautiful pics! I've wanted to fish the Animas for years. I've been told it can be a tough place to fish! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Big Browns

    Fly Fishing New Mexico in the winter

    I love the pictures and info! FYI, if your going to advertise your buisness on CW you must become a sponsor. I know myself and several other fly fisherman would love to see you become a sponsor. I know you would definately benefit being a sponsor of CW. We have a lot of great members!!!!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Happy Bday Big Browns

    Thanks guys! Happy birthday Mike!
  8. Big Browns

    Gun show question

    It's hard to find good deals at gun shows these days. Everyone thinks their stuff is worth Gold prices since the School Shooting. It never hurts to make an offer. If he says no come back at the end of the day and see if the seller has reconsidered. It's worked great for me. It's all a game. Just a matter of who is going to win:)
  9. Big Browns

    Want to barrow small garden tiller

    Andrewmilich I really appreciate the offer. Unfortunately I dont have time to go to the north side of town. I know I can rent one. I'm just trying to save the money. Adam
  10. Anyone on the east side have a small garden tiller I can barrow for a few hours? My garden is in desperate need of tilling! Thanks, Adam
  11. Big Browns

    Thanks For Your Condolences

    Very sorry for your loss! He sounds like a great man! God bless!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Sportsmans Expo?

    Know of any in 24B? Sorry buddy. I don't know that unit at all. Adam
  13. Big Browns

    Sportsmans Expo?

    I killed my pig at 8:30. Just got done looking at the show. It sucked!!!!! Save your money & time..... Adam
  14. Big Browns

    Smith and Wesson 686 6 inch

    I want this so badly. These are great guns!!!!!
  15. Great article! It's sad to see something that helps the population and management become illegal. I hope your wrong, but I know your right!
  16. Big Browns

    Sportsmans Expo?

    I'm going tomorrow afternoon after I kill my pig in the morning:) Fingers crossed:)
  17. Big Browns

    Watch your boots!! Wear your chaps.......

    Kill all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Guess they really are in AZ.

    I hope I find a herd some day!!!! I would love to have a free source of hog meat.............
  19. Big Browns

    A Little Piece of Africa

  20. Big Browns


    Hey guys. I will be helping Eric sell his binoculars. I will have the binoculars at my house in Queen Creek on Sunday. If your interested in looking at them please let me know. Adam
  21. Big Browns

    15xs everything Vs Swarofski SLC HDs

    The simple answer to the "Which 15's should I buy" question is always BUY SWAROVSKI!!!!!!!! There is a reason we all say Swarovski. They are the BEST!
  22. Big Browns

    Hunt Buddy for 37B on Saturday

    I'll be in 22 otherwise I would go with you. If you get one make sure you take a sexy pig picture:)
  23. Big Browns

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    That paint job is Awesome! How much would you charge to paint my gun in a similar American flag pattern? Adam
  24. Big Browns

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp 2015 - An Amazing Experience!

    Sorry my phone didn't load fast enough:) Great job! I'm hoping my wife will go next year.