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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Oak Creek?

    Should be similar to every year, the water orders typically switch from the Verde to the Salt sometime between April 15th and May 1st. The exact dates depend on several factors, but the release should always switch before June 1st at the latest. Also, an update on the Horseshoe release. As of 1:30pm today the dam is open, with no set closing date, and they may even leave it open to fill Bartlett. Great Info!!!! Thanks for the update!
  2. Big Browns

    Oak Creek?

    Any idea when the will increase the flows below Saguaro lake
  3. Big Browns

    Oak Creek?

    I would avoid that area too. Basically anything on the west side of beeline got hammered the last few days. Horseshoe was set to retain water for the next 2 months as they are doing work on the dam, however with the sustained flows of 19,000 cfs coming into the lake right now, they are going to have to open up the valve and water will be flowing ~3000 cfs out of horseshoe into bartlett sometime in the next week. Going to be nasty down there for a few weeks thereafter. The attached image is current as of this post. 3-3-2015 12-54-10 PM.jpg Good info, Thanks! I was planning on heading there this coming weekend. You saved me a trip! Too bad, because I was really looking forward to it. The fishing should get better in a couple of weeks!
  4. Big Browns

    Oak Creek?

    Carp fishing above Bartlet and below Horseshoe dam is always a lot of fun. They will be spawning soon. In a good day you will catch 20-50 carp #5-#20 pounds. They can be a lot of fun on light line...
  5. Big Browns

    Oak Creek?

    Go to Silver Creek
  6. Big Browns

    400inch 5x5 !!!!

  7. Big Browns

    Turkey Scouting

    Tracks on water is a great way to find turkey area's! Turkey's will almost always water 1-2 times a day. If you find a lot of tracks on water, hit that area hard within 1/4-1/2 mile. Look for tracks on old roads. Turkeys love to feed along old logging roads. Fields with fresh grass are another great area to look for. Glassing large fields early and late is another great scouting option. The key to Turkey hunting is hunting ALL day! Most the birds I've called in after 10am have gone home in the truck! Tom's are a lot easier to call in after they have left the hens for their morning alone time:) Don't forget to look for sheds. If you find them, DON'T touch them! They carry a disease that is very dangerous! Call me and I will come get them to ensure knowone else catches the disease!!!!!!! Adam
  8. Big Browns

    Archery HQ - DART

    Wish I had more time to shoot these days! I really enjoyed shooting this league!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Big Browns

    Javelina ideas

    That looks Awesome!!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    Newest Hunting Fad

  11. Big Browns

    Free Piano!

    Great deal for someone!!!!!
  12. Big Browns

    Archery HQ - DART

    I used to shoot it a lot! It's a lot of fun!
  13. If anyone has one lying around that they don't use please let me know. I would like to find a used one at a reasonable price. I'm also looking for a used Magpul prs stock. Thanks, Adam
  14. Big Browns

    Browns on the ground!!

    First D-Bag Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Big Browns

    Three antlered Elk Euro

    Very Cool! Great job!
  16. Big Browns

    Bear Wallow Wilderness unit 27

    Horrible area! No Animals! 6A is much better:)
  17. Does this still work if we have already donated to another school for the 2014 tax year? Adam
  18. Big Browns

    Wyoming draw results posted!

    Elk $50, Deer $40 & Antelope is $30. Very reasonable priced points. 2-3 points will guarantee you a general hunt for each species. Awesome state!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    Wyoming draw results posted!

    I didn't put in this year. Another point for me. I will only have 3 with this years point anyway. I still have a little ways to go before I can get a good tag.
  20. Big Browns

    Turkey God's smiled this year!

    Congrats! Take a video camera with you....
  21. Big Browns

    My archery goat finished up!

    Let's see the big one!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    My archery goat finished up!

    Do you know what he scores? How long is he? It's hard to tell from the picture, but my guess is #83 and 16 in length.
  23. Big Browns

    Pigapalooza 2015 (9 javelina, one taken on video)

    GREAT JOB! WAY TO GO DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    My archery goat finished up!

    Very nice! Let's see the rest of the wall mounts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!