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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    New member searching for some help.

    PM sent
  2. Big Browns

    H1000 powder

    I could use some as well. I'm in Queen Creek. Adam
  3. Big Browns

    I want to reload, I need advice....

    Go with a single stage press for rifle rounds, but a Dillon press is a must for pistol rounds.
  4. Big Browns

    Turkeys and rain?

    I got one this morning in a snow storm. Most talkative bird I have ever herd on the roost. Didn't come in really hot, but he did come in. I'll post a story tomorrow. Tough, tough weekend of Turkey hunting!!!!
  5. Big Browns

    Sweet Antelope buck

    Nice Buck!
  6. "I keep getting older and they stay the same age" (Dazed & Confused)
  7. Big Browns

    Hunting videos

    If you want a cool app for making small video's try Magisto. It can use photo's or small video clips. The video's are only a couple minnutes, but they are fun for parties. It does all the editing for you. All you have to do is select the photo's, songs and type and it's done. Super easy!
  8. "Where'd he go, Where'd whooooo go!" (Top Gun) "It's HUGE!!!!!" (Not appropriate to say where that came from)
  9. Big Browns

    Another Danner/ Lacrosse Outlet Sale 50%+ Off

    Yep, nothing I wanted. I was tempted to buy the Adams 6, but it has horrible reviews.
  10. Big Browns

    Another Danner/ Lacrosse Outlet Sale 50%+ Off

    2:00 minutes and counting.............
  11. Big Browns

    Fly fishing noobs question

    check out a local fly fishing web site called azflyandtie.com It's a great site to get info on Az fishing. You might be able to find them a good outfit in the classifieds. Adam
  12. Big Browns

    Junior Turkey Success

    Great Job A.J.!!!!!!
  13. Big Browns

    Rain coming

    What unit?
  14. Big Browns

    Fly fishing noobs question

    x1000 Tying flies can be very relaxing and can save you a lot of money. It's a lot easier than it looks. It can also be a great side buisness. I tied flies for a couple of shops during my college days. Adam
  15. Big Browns

    Fly fishing noobs question

    You can get a fairly good set up thru Cabelas for less than $75 for a full set up. That's what I bought my kids. Mine started fly fishing at 8 years old. They can catch blue gill all day long.
  16. Big Browns

    You know your wife is good when.....

    come on rook you know my wife, she don't weigh those. Main is 54 I think Tell her to get with the program and start weighing her big sheds. Inquiring minds want to know! I dare you to take it from her:)
  17. Big Browns

    Turkeys and Sheds with the kids!!

    Awesome! Good job Dad!!!!!!!!!
  18. Big Browns

    Rain coming

    Typical, it seems to always be windy when I have a tag!!!! I don't mind hunting in the rain, but I hate Turkey hunting in the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Big Browns

    You know your wife is good when.....

    About time:) Nice shed, did you measure or weigh it yet?
  20. Big Browns

    Last years collection

    I don't think I ever saw this post! Great Job! I would like to see a better picture of the deer sheds and the bigger deer head.
  21. Big Browns

    Excited!! 22s muzzeloader

    Congrats! I hope you kill one of the few remaining monsters!!!!!!
  22. Big Browns

    Archery Only Buffalo Hunt

    Great question! I didn't vote, because I have absolutely no idea! Very interested though. How many points do you have?
  23. Big Browns

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    I can already tell you that your chance of drawing was 1% or less. Your chance of drawing again next year will be the same! Bottom line is, you got LUCKY! That's the beauty and devil of our system. In the random draw anyone has a chance. Congrats and enjoy your hunt!