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Big Browns

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Everything posted by Big Browns

  1. Big Browns

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Don't put this guy on the list ^. He has an Antelope tag and doesn't need any more good luck:)
  2. Big Browns

    Good Guy Buyer List

    I have honestly tried coming up with a list of "Good Guys". The problem is I have never had a bad buying or selling experience with anyone on this site. I can't possibly remember all the quality people I have had the pleasure meeting and doing buisness with. What I would love to see is a minimum number of post's allowed to post in the classified section. This would eliminate a lot of the 1 time users or scammers!!!!!!!! Adam
  3. Big Browns

    SCI 5th biggest archery desert mule deer

    Welcome to the site! You need to write a story for that toad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Big Browns

    Good Guy Seller List

    Can you please add Amanda to the list;)
  5. Big Browns

    When you know you love hunting..

    Or when you are looking a CW when you should be working:)
  6. Big Browns

    Help me Clarify UTV Laws her in AZ

    The word "shall" can be interpreted many different ways. Unfortunately it's ultimately up to the officer. My kids will have to wear a helmet at all times! Better safe than sorry!!!!!
  7. Big Browns

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    So if I put in now and don't get drawn on 6/1 do I get a preference point or should I just wait and buy a preference point after 7/1 and work toward building points as I probably won't have time to go this year anyway? If you dont draw your first choice you keep or gain a preference point. You could put in for a really good hunt with the expectation you are not going to draw and gain a point. This way you still have a small chance to get a good tag. Keep in mind. Wyoming's small chance is still higher than most of our hunts with 10-20 points.
  8. Very funny:) Your welcome to come to the house to help me dig;)
  9. Only $20 so far........... That's crazy! Come on guys and gals lets help Jared's family out. I will admit I have not donated yet on this prize due to issues at home, but I will be this week. I can't wait to tell my wife she's going Bear hunting:) She' s going to love it!!!!!
  10. Big Browns

    Anyone have a good wild Turkey recipe???

    Great ideas! Thanks guys!!!!!
  11. Big Browns

    Anyone have a good wild Turkey recipe???

    Hey buddy, How long did you cook your Turkey in the oven bag?
  12. Big Browns

    Anyone have a good wild Turkey recipe???

    Very similar to how most people cook dove. Sounds like a good idea! Thanks!
  13. Big Browns

    trophy mule deer tag

    Sweet Buck! Do you have any more field pics? Congrats!
  14. Big Browns

    Anyone have a good wild Turkey recipe???

    No skin. I was thinking about putting the breast in the oven inside a roasting bag. Adam
  15. Big Browns

    Best shed day ever

    Sweet, you da man!!!!
  16. Big Browns

    water line leak HELP NEEDED

    I have a tree that's roots have cracked my main water line in my front yard. I've cut down the tree. Now I'm trying to get to the water line to find the leak. Just wondering if any CW members do this type of work. If so please call me ASAP! ADAM 928 595 1554
  17. Big Browns

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    Really nice hoat Red Rabbit!!!! Congrats!
  18. Big Browns

    Idaho shiras moose tag!!!

    How long did it take you to draw? I've herd Idaho is the easiest place to draw a Moose tag.
  19. Big Browns

    Online application open deer/bighorn

    Worked for me
  20. Big Browns

    How big do you think this buck is?

    Keep looking, you can do better..............
  21. Big Browns

    Sunrise Lake Fishing Report???

    I would like to know as well. I was told they did NOT have a winter kill this year. That means the fishing should be much better than the past couple of years. I was also told Cressent didn't kill as well. Sounds like a great year for Brookies.........
  22. Big Browns

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    FYI, draw deadline is 06/01/15. You can start buying preference points from 07/01/15-09/30/15.
  23. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlanders

    If I only had an extra $5,299 dollars...... Sweet set up!!!!!!!
  24. Big Browns

    Kowa Highlanders
